Chapter 22

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"No, you have to hold the katana like this, otherwise you will just lose it whenever someone attacks you with full force.." Lloyd gently touches 47's arm to show her.
" I told you... I'm not good with swords.. that's kinda why I chose to troe shurikens and daggers instead... it was easier..." 47 mumbles as she tries her best to do what Lloyd told her.
" from a distance, that's great, but that won't help you at all in near combat." He tells her.
They were the only ones at the training grounds. The sun was quietly settling and some few stares were visible on the clear sky.
" yeah.. but I'm good with hand to hand combat" she replies and Lloyd can't help but chuckle.
" you really don't want this, do you?" He let's go of her and picks up a sword for himself to use.
" I just... I'm bad at this alright?" She replies, knowing Lloyd was just trying to help her.
" well yeah, you're bad, but that's why you should get better. You should be capable of defending yourself in close to close combat without missing a limb." Now she couldn't hold it back anymore. A laugh escapes her and they both end up not taking the training seriously anymore.
" wonder how it would feel like to not have an arm, or a leg" 47 chuckles.
" now let's not find out" Lloyd replies laughing.

" I see you two are taking training very seriously" a chuckle comes from behind them and they both turn towards the new voice, seeing Garmadon approaching them.
" yeah, we're just taking a minute" Lloyd replies with a smile and walks over to this dad.
" how are you feeling Lloyd?" He asks, looking down at his injuries.
" I'm fine dad, almost as good as new. (Your/name) has been helping me out." He replies and hold up his arm witch used to be broken.
" just don't get hurt again alright..?"
" can't promise dad, I'm supposed to fight bad guys, I'm probably going to get hurt at some point" Lloyd chuckles and Garmadon can't help but chuckle himself.
" just take care." With that, he picked up a sword and suddenly points it at 47.
" always be ready to defend yourself!" Without hesitations, Garmadon swings his katana at her, attacking her.
" wha!?" 47 yells in surprise and blocks the attack with her own katana.
" there you go! But you should have seen that coming, now try this." Garmadon swings the katana at her again, attacking her from another angle. This was absolutely unexpected to her and she didn't manage to block the attack at all. Garmadon stoped just before the blade hit her and pulls away.
" I failed..." 47 mumbled and lowered her head in disappointment.
" today... yes, but that doesn't mean you can't get better. You just need to train" Garmadon tells her.
" yes sir..." she replies and puts away her sword.

Seliel was sitting by the dinner table, surrounded by large maps and papers. She was busy. Wu was standing next to her, watching all the word she was doing. He truly was impressed by her skills.
" their main base is here" Seliel points at the mountains in the south side of ninjago city.
" but they have other outposts around ninjago. Most of them being old league quarters." Seliel informs him.
" theres so many... how did you guys grow so big?" Wu asked, not liking the sight.
" we aren't really that many... most are old league agents that had no where to run after the fall of the old one... but we're many enough to keep our base going" Seliel tells him.
" interesting..." Wu mumbles.
" why are you helping us?" Jey, who had been standing by the door, watching them, asked her. He didn't trust her. What if she was leading them into a trap...? Not every person they meet are good guys. Lloyd turned to their side and once saved his life. Armen warned them about an attack that actually happened. 47 saved Kai's life and on the list goes. They had been lucky... would their luck turn them down this time...?
" I told you.. the X squadron isn't like it used to be... believe me. We used to do good.. yes some shady things as well, but we never hurt people... now we do..." Seliel tells him.
" I believe her... she's giving us all the information we want, and she was the one who contacted us on the communicator." Cole replies to Jey, defending Seliel.
" she also knows about Kai.." Nya joins in, standing by Jey's side. She knew he wasn't the type of person who easily trusted people, but Nya has a good feeling about this girl.

" enough about trust.. I think we all think that the information you have given us is really helpful. But let's talk about the tomb of fire...why is it so urgent to find it?" Lloyd now joins the crew of people, 47 and Garmadon following behind him as they entered the room.
Seliel quickly searched through all her papers until she found what she wanted.
" it's the very last one... if they find it, then things will get very bad. We're lucky to have the earth key, but i have a feeling that they soon will start searching for it, when they realize what Kai has done." Seliel tells them and hands over the files to Lloyd, to gently accepted them.
" and what is this?"
Lloyd asks as he looks through them.
" clues to the last tomb. I know it's in the dessert, but I'm not a 100% sure if my coordinates are completely accurate..." she mumbled, looking through her papers for more information.
" well the desert is enormous..." Cole replies, watching her.
" no shit Sherlock" Seliel replies and holds up a drawing.
" it's supposed to be at the edge of a desert, close to a jungle... but honestly... this information is quite old... a jungle is always expanding, so for what I know, it may actually be laying in the center of the jungle to the west of ninjago city."
" damn... so I'm other words.. you have no idea to where it may be..." Armen, who had been sitting in the corner of the room being quiet all this time suddenly speaks up.
" that's one way of putting it..." Seliel mumbles.
" but I know it's within this circle" she points at a area that she had marked out on the map.
" that may take weeks to search through..." Cole mumbles as he walks over to her to study the maps.
" I just hope Kai is alright... you sure there isn't a way to get him out?" Nya asks, hoping there was anything they could do.
Seliel slowly shook her head.
" I'm sorry, but I think it's necessary for him to stay where he is. Maybe he can help us preventing the X squadron to not find the tomb of fire" she tells her.
" but what I know for sure is that we need to go out there and start searching for it. It's very important that we do. They have all the other tombs, including the final tomb where they gather all the keys to open the gateway to the underworld."
Lloyd slowly turns to face 47. They both had this weird feeling that they also knew where the final tomb could be, but they couldn't explain point it out...
" if it's as urgent as you say it is, then I believe we should get going right away... we cannot allow our enemies to bring back the dark lord" Wu finally speaks up and grabs one of Seliel's maps.
" Zane, Cole and Seliel, you three will head towards this area." He points out a circle and moves on.
" Lloyd and (your/name) will head here" he points at a new location on the map before turning towards Jey and Nya.
" you two take the last sport. Garmadon will accompany you, while I myself will join Lloyd and (your/name)."
" what about us!? We want to help as well!" The twins calls out as they realize they haven't been assigned a area. Wu slowly turns towards them, not happy to tell them this, but it was necessary.
" we need you two to stay here and guard the dagger... we can't bring it along as that will increase our chances of losing it... boys.. we need you to guard it.. can you please do that..?"
The two groans angrily and looks away before they nod in agreement.
" fine... but we kinda hoped for some action..." Armen mumble.
" there will be plenty of action when we return alright? But this mission is very important."
" alright alright we get it... guard the dagger and eat pizza, geez man..." Damon replies and jumps down onto the sofa in disappointment. They had really hoped for something cool to happen, to finally be a part of the team missions.. to bad...
" get ready guys, we're leaving in 10 minutes!" Lloyd calls and everyone leaves to get ready while the twins watches them.
" stupid... I kinda wanted to kick some ass tonight..." Armen mumbles as he took a seat next to his twin brother.
" yeah same... I honestly thought Wu would let us this time...maybe we should kick his ass a little? Maybe that will change his mind?" A grin crosses Damon's face as he spoke those words.
" right now, I would love to, but let's not get killed tonight alright? Wu can be very scary at times" Armen replies and they both laugh, but little did they know about what was to come.

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