Old days part 2

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With blood covering his hands, Brine quietly bows down before his master after returning from his... successful mission.
« you never disappoint me 01." A dark voice spoke. Brine kept his head down in respect for his master.
" however, It would have been better if you had chosen a younger elemental master, instead of that old man." The dark lord spoke again. Brine didn't answer. He knew it would be more impressive to hunt down a more powerful master, but he couldn't bring himself to. Most of the other elemental masters were his age or parents... this old man had nothing to live for or at least less, since his days soon would come to an end anyway.... He had found him in a forest with large strange tree looking creatures. The battle had been intense, but the old man soon gave in and let Brine take the victory.
" that old man never had kids, or anyone to inherit his elemental powers, so I guess you have made history today 01. You have obliterated the element of ice. Today you didn't only kill the master of ice, but you have brought an element to its destruction. Vanished from this world. That has impressed me"
Brine didn't know how to reply. In fact, this only made him feel even more guilty. Piper wouldn't be happy to hear about his mission an what he had done... would she still look at him the same way..? Would she still... love him ..?
He couldn't bring himself to meet her later that day. Without a word to anyone, He had locked himself into his room/cell , refusing anyone to enter. Neither did he leave.
Guilt and shame were barreling inside him, forcing all kinds of feelings to go while inside of him, and he hated it. It made him feel weak... pathetic and... vulnerable.
Yes... he had impressed his master.
Yes... he had earned the title of Renegade
Yes... he was a terrible human being... and he knew that the girl he truly cared for would hate him after this.
There was no need for him to tell her... she would probably already know by now.. people tend to talk a lot among each other. Rumors spreads fast within the league.. everyone knows everything...
A soft knock quietly came from the door. By the sound of it, he already knew who it was. He knew no one who could treat everyone and everything with such gentleness...
" please let me in.." he heard her speak from the other side of the door. He didn't move. He couldn't... not after everything...
" Brine... I know what happened... please let me in.. i know it's hard for you.."
He quietly just sat on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands. Piper quietly sighs and pulls out a small object. In her language, she would call it a chain-breaker. it was a small, simple object that could lock up any kinds of doors that ran on electricity and computers. Just like this door. Quietly she slid the door open and entered the room.
The sight of Brine brought tears to her eyes as she walked over and warped both her arms around him to comfort him. He was still wearing his suit from his last mission... still covered in blood. He even smelled like blood.. but this didn't prevent her from doing what she did. She cared for him.. he had been her everything...her only friend her only family, her only... love.
Brine couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Pipers presence made it hard not to cry, as she was treat him just the way she usually did, with such kindness... witch he no longer deserved. A murderer like him didn't deserve her...
" piper... you ... you should get out of here.. run away like you suggested.. find your father and be free...you shouldn't be around a monster like me... you don't belong here" Brine whispered into her ear as she was comforting her. She quietly pulled away and looked up at him, surprised to hear those words.
" I'm not leaving without you" she replied, her dark eyes glued to his blue ones.

" they're going to kill you if you don't... please.. I don't want you to turn into what the league has for us... most of us are cold blooded assassins.. it won't take long until they force you into doing the same...I don't want you to be like me" pipers eyes were shocked from hearing what he had said.
" Brine... I'm not leaving without you. Never." She stood up from the bed and crossed her arms.
" what the league has done to you, I will never forgive, therefore, taking you with me would be the best revenge on this league. Taking their most beloved renegade will weaken them a lot." A grin crossed her face. Brine could almost not believe it. Was she suggesting that she was going to kidnap him? Or in other words... steal him?!
" I'm serious Brine. We're leaving now! I refuse to let them hurt you like this ever again! Haven't they done enough already!? You have been through a lot, now it's time for you to follow your own rules!" She then headed towards his closet and ripped the door open, searching for anything that could be useful on their new trip.
" Piper...? Are you..." Brine began, but Piper held up a hand to shut him and grabbed a backpack from his closet, throwing it over at him.
Brine caught it and looked confused at her.
" bring some few things that you need, we're leaving right now!"
Brine wanted to tell her that this was crazy and impossible, but she refused to let him speak his mind. Instead, she pulled him up to his feet and made him to through his stuff to pick out those he needed the most.
Piper herself grabbed some stuff she wanted and grabbed a backpack of her own, now standing in the room, all ready to leave. she had found one of Brine's dark wind coats and had grabbed it for her own use.
" ready?" She grinned as Brine didn't reply. No, he wasn't ready. But would he ever be...? He had never betrayed the league before... he had never broken any rules.. except his relationship with piper was a rule-breaker, but that was possible to keep secret. But running away... there was no turning back after you had done it.. and where in the world would they go? Hide in a village? Live in the forest? Or.... of course... of course she was going to lead him toward the mountain where her father lived. Brine then realized that Piper had it all under control... she knew exactly where to go and how to escape.. she had been planning this for months.

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