Chapter 14

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" Lloyd! We're almost there!"
Jey called out from behind him, walking over to Lloyd who was up watching the sun. It was starting to get dark and night wasn't to far away.
" how close?" Lloyd asked and turned his attention away from the sun.
" bro, you can see it from here" Jey grinned and pointed in a different direction. And he was right, not to far ahead was the library, covered in snow.
" I really hope it's warmer inside, I'm freezing!" Cole spoke as he saw it from a distance.
" it was alright when we were there last time, don't you remember?" Zane reminded him, recalling to the time they had gone there with sensei Wu to search for a entrance into the old league two years ago.
" right, so that's the library we're visiting, I thought it was a different one" Cole replies and chuckles. Of course, it made more sense.
" I don't think I've been there... have I been there?" Jey asks confused, not recognizing the building ahead of them.
" no, you and Lloyd were held captive by the league back then, so no. You haven't been there" Zane answered.
It didn't take long until they finally reached their destination and landed the bounty. It was freezing cold outside, and the snow was covering most of the ground. Of course, this library was on a mountain top, there would probably be snow here at all times.
" well I do recognize this place... this used to be a base within the league, until the monks that lives here decided to get out of the league and live in peace with themselves and their surroundings." Lloyd spoke, quietly walking over to the front door. It had been years ago, but he remembered coming there to study history with his team, having to know the history and all the wars from the past. The league had wanted them to.

Without another word, Lloyd lifts his hand and knocks onto the large door in front of him, patiently waiting for someone to open up. It took some time, but eventually, one of the monks had heard them and badgered to open. He didn't seem to be badgered by their presence and welcomed them in.
" thank you" Lloyd greeted him and gave him a short bow as a sign of gratitude. The others watched him and looked over at each other confused, but did the same.
" may I help you with anything, young masker?" The monk speaks, welcoming them all in.
" yes... we're looking for anything that may help us find the location of the tomb of fire... is there anything here that can help us?" Lloyd informs him, watching the monk think for a moment.
" I honestly don't know, but if you follow me, perhaps one of the leaders around here can help you gain the information you need. Just follow me please" the monk replies and leads them into the hallway.
" this place is enormous..." Nya mumbled impressed, studying the place.
" haven't you been here before?" Jey asked.
" no, I stayed behind on the bounty after you got kidnapped." She told him.
Jey was confused at why she would stay behind, but knew better than to ask. She probably had her reasons.
It took some time, but eventually, the monk lead them into a large room with bookshelves all over the place.
" wow... this is a lot of... knowledge..." Cole mumbled as he looked around the room. The whole room had to be bigger than their library in the city, and it was huge!
" master Youhai, the elemental masters of ninjago are her for knowledge" the monk who had lead them inside introduced them to an elder man who had been busy reading a book of his own until he got interrupted.
" may I help you?" Youhai lifts his gaze from the book and looks over at the group of teenagers in front of him.
" yes, we're looking for answers... do you happen to know anything about the tomb of fire...? Or do you have any books that can help us figure this out?" Lloyd asked, hoping they were more lucky this time.
The monk studied them for a while, not speaking a word. It was almost like he was thinking of lying instead of telling them the truth, but he eventually gave in and smiled.
" I have heard about it, and I've seen one." The monk smiled.
Lloyd stopped up for a moment.
" there's more than one?!" Lloyd burst out, not expecting this at all.
" well yes of course. One for each element. Don't tell me that your masters haven't told you..?"
The last part was shocking news... did Garmadon and Wu know about these tombs...? Why were they keeping it a secret from them..?
" tell me ... where are they..? And what's the history behind them?" Lloyd now pulled out a chair and sat down, ready to listen.
" sounds like your masters haven't told you then... but then again, they were never confirmed to be real. Through history, these tombs were known to be a weapon of evil. Rumors told that it was a gate opener between two worlds.»
" two worlds!? What worlds!?" Nya burst out, totally shocked to hear this.
" I believe there's only one other world that we know of" the monk replied. Nya quietly lowers her head.
" they're trying to connect the underworld with our world..." she finally admits.
The monk quietly nods, " that is what the legend says about it, but people has believed it to be a fairytale"
" but you don't... because you have seen one yourself." Lloyd spoke, watching the monk turn his attention to him.
" that's right... i have witnessed the tomb of lightning... but that was many years ago.. back in the days when this library belonged to the league of shadows..." the monk replied and lowered his head.
This caused the team to go quiet. So there were more than one tomb... and they were a gateway to connect two worlds... but how..? What had to be done?"
" how do you... activate a tomb sir..?" Lloyd's voice turned more serious now. He knew there was something he hadn't told them.. he had noticed the sad expression on his face and knew something wasn't right.
" what were you doing in the tomb of lightning?" Lloyd asked again. This caught Jey's attention as he noticed that this was slowly turning dark.
His elemental tomb had been occupied by the league... why?
" as I told you... this was when I served the league years ago... I never agreed to their ways of living..." the monk tried to avoid the subject.
" what happened in the tomb" Lloyd asked again, now raising his voice. He knew something was off, and he knew he needed the answer.
" we... we activated it..." the monk replied.
" how did you activate it" Lloyd now slammed his hands onto the table in front of them.
" how did you activate it!"
The monk felt ashamed and slowly backed away, afraid of what Lloyd would do to him if he told them... Jey calmly lays a hand onto Lloyd's shoulder, hoping to calm him down. It seemed to work a bit as Lloyd now regretted losing his temper and moved his arms away from the table.
" answer me!" Lloyd begged. For some strange reason, he knew the answer wouldn't be pretty.
The monk finally gave in and answered him.

" we killed the young girl... the previous master of lightning, to activate it... "

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