Chapter 31

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Pain was all around her...
the smell of blood and dust surrounded her as she quietly managed to open her eyes. She wasn't sure what had woken her... the smell of blood or the arms that had grabbed both of her arms and now was dragging her. As Seliel managed to open her eyes, the sight of what was in front of her scared her.. the whole place was destroyed... large boulders had fallen down and destroyed everything in their path... but that wasn't even the worst part.. underneath the boulders were blood... not much... but she knew there were people underneath them... people had lost their lives... as far as she knew... those were X squadron agents... but maybe they were good people or people like her... who didn't have a choice..
The grip around her arms slowly slowed down as it seemed like they had reached an exit that would take them out.
Seliel slowly turns her head to look who was saving her life.
His blue eyes met hers and she felt a rush of release when she saw Brine. He had survived... he was badly damaged.. but he wad alright... or at least alive..
" Brine..." Seliel begins but Brine just holds up his hands, stopping her from continuing.
" you were right... everything you said... you're right.." he told her before he lost the last of his strength and fell to his knees.
" Brine!" Seliel ignores the pain as she crawls towards him, helping him learn against a boulder. By just one look, she could tell that his injuries were bad.. worse than hers and that he needed real help... help she couldn't give him..
" I know.. " he whispers, slowly pushing her hands away.
" I know it's bad, but that doesn't matter... I did this to myself... I made the cave collapse... I.. I killed those people" his eyes moves from her and over to the blood underneath the boulders further away.
" I killed them..." Seliel watched his face sadden as he closes his eyes in pain. She gently takes his hand in hers and leans against the rock next to him.
" no... you didn't do it on purpose.." she tells him.
" you don't understand... I lost control over myself and caused all of this... I'm dangerous.." he mumbles without opening his eyes. He had caused all of this, that was probably true, but she had managed to snap him out of it, witch saved them both.
" well... now the x squadron has no control over you right? They think you're dead probably" she tried to cheer him up. It was true, if they thought he was dead, then finally he could leave, go home to his village and start living a peaceful life again... right?
" I don't think that will last long..." Seliel was confused until she finally realized what he meant as she now could hear footsteps coming towards them. Flakes of snow slowly starts to fall around then when Brine grabs Seliel's wrist.
" find Kai... tell him that the last tomb is at the old league base... tell him it's underneath the throne..." without another word, he pushes her and she loses her balance, falling down a short hill. The rocks surrounding them blocked her wive of Brine, but the voices in the room told her that he no longer was alone...

" I knew you'd survive... you're almost impossible to kill." A dark voice spoke as Seliel quietly tries to get to her feet. Curiosity got the best of her and she couldn't help but feel the urge to peak around the rock to see what was going on...
Even tho his voice sounded different without the mask, Ash, Morro and 3 other agents stood above Brine who simply seemed bored. His wounds were bad... Seliel couldn't tell how bad his condition was, but it was enough to take all of his strength away..
" even if that was true... i wish I had died.." Brine replies to Ash. Both his hands were covering up a wound she couldn't see, but by the look of all the blood on his hands, it wasn't good..
" yeah.. I guess that's reasonable... your last purpose for us won't be pretty.. death would have freed you from your next task." Ash spoke as he kneels down before Brine, now managing to look him straight into his eyes.
" I know who you are... and I know what you can do.. unluckily, your odds are not in your favor this time.." two of the other x squadron agents gently grabs both Brine's arms and carefully forces him to his feet. A groan of pain escapes Brine, but he doesn't do anything to resist them. Panic starts to raise up in Seliel's chest as she realized they were taking him away with them. She wanted to run after them, to call out his name and free him, but then she would blow her cover... Brine had forced her into hiding to keep her safe from the enemy...
" you know nothing" was all she heard Brine reply as they lead him out of the cave and into the cold snowy weather outside.
When they had arrived at the jungle, snow hadn't reached it yet... she had also thought that there wouldn't be anything since this jungle laid close to a desert, but she was wrong... flakes of snow entered the cave as a cold breeze flew past her....
Could she leave the cave now? We're there agents waiting outside to catch her? She had to wait... just for a short while to be sure no one spotted her... then she had to find Kai and the others.. tell them what Brine told her and then stop the X squadron from completing their mission.
Just as she gets up from her hiding spot, she looks over at where Brine laid only minutes ago when she saw it. It wasn't obvious, and the blood covered it well enough for the others to not spot it, but she did... underneath layers of dust and blood was his communicator... or.. well the memory chip of it.
Quietly she crawled towards it and gently lifts the small object into her hands. It was at the size of a bean. What could this possibly contain!? Information of course! But what for!? It was obvious he wanted her to have it. But what could it possibly contain that she or the others didn't know about?
With care, she carefully puts it down into one of her pockets. She could still feel some pain around her body, but nothing was broken, and the bleeding had stopped long ago.
Now... she had to find the others and stop evil from rising up..

Burst of green energy escapes Lloyd as he punches a rock to clear his pathway. The road was full of them and right now, they were slowing him down. Angrily he punches another rock when a warm hand suddenly touches his shoulder, making him turn around in such a hurry that 47 lost her balance and fell to the ground.
" I..I'm so sorry! I... I didn't know you were following me.." Lloyd apologizes and reach out a hand towards her to help her up to her feet.
" I'm alright... are you alright..?" She asks Lloyd, watching him carefully. She already knew the answer, but Lloyd wasn't going to admit it in front of her.
" you shouldn't have followed me... please head back to the others." Lloyd mumbles as he turns around to continue on his path.
" I'm going with matter what... I'm not leaving you again.."
The words hits Lloyd hard as he realizes what he was about to do... he had left the whole team.. he had left her behind... after everything they had been through together... she didn't deserve this... she had been gone for almost two years until she finally shows up, and now he was just leaving her behind because he wants to get revenge..?
" I'm coming with you..." 47 replies, watching him stand there quietly. His green eyes finally meets hers and she's surprised to find tears in them  instead of anger.
" I'm... im so sorry... I... I don't know what I'm doing..."

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