Chapter five

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" wake up!"
A pillow hit Kai's face where he laid peacefully in his bed. He had been dreaming about happy fire day until Jey had decided to wake him from his beauty sleep.
" ugh... my ... beautiful... face..." Kai mumbled, slowly reaching out his hand to punch a laughing Jey.
" don't make me go and get Nya to wake you, I know how deeply you love to swim" Jey chuckles as he places his pillow back down in his own bed.
" I'm forbidding you to date my sister..." Kai mumbles tiredly as he forces himself to sit up.
" wow... today is a Zombie Kai day" Cole spoke as he entered the room to pick up his laundry.
" yep, perhaps he would like a glass of water!"
" oh shut up, I'm up alright!" Kai yawns and gets up from his bed, walking over to the mirror to fix his perfect hair.
" oh, Kai, it's actually your turn to prepare breakfast!" Zane yelled from the door. This day couldn't get any worse. He hated preparing breakfast.
" ughhh! Why me!? I want my beauty sleep!" He replied, giving up on fixing his hair. He turned away from the mirror and grabbed a red hoodie, along side some clean pants. Without another word, witch was unusual for being Kai, he went to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast.
" morning Misaco... I'm here for my breakfast duty" he mumbled as he headed straight for the fridge.
" breakfast duty? Like when was that a thing?" Misaco gave Kai a strange look from the other side of the kitchen. Kai stopped. Of course. Of course he wasn't on breakfast duty. There didn't exist a breakfast duty! He had fallen for another prank from the boys! They knew he was a stupid fool when he was walking up. They knew his mind wasn't working right when he was tired.
" I need a separate room, I need my self time! Christmas is close... this is my number 1 wish Santa..." Kai mumbled annoyed, receiving more confused glares from Misaco and now also Garmadon who had been sitting by the table, reading the news papers.
" well now that you're actually here, I need you to head down to town and get me some supplies!" Misaco grabbed Kai's arm and lead him towards the door, handing him a list of groceries that she needed.
Everything happened to fast. Misaco dragged him across the kitchen and pushed him out of the building, giving him a thumbs up before closing the door.
What was going on!? Why was he always unlucky!?
" Kai? You alright?" A concerned voice appeared from behind him. Kai turned and faced the green ninja himself.
" oh... morning Lloyd" Kai groans tiredly before he started heading towards the gates.
" can I borrow your bike Lloyd? Your mom has forced me to go and buy her some groceries, and I'm to scared to refuse her.." Kai held up the long list of groceries that were needed.
" yes, sure, here, take this as well" Lloyd pulled of his helmet and threw it towards Kai, who caught it with ease.
" thank you, anything you want me to get you?" He asked as he got onto Lloyd's bike. Lloyd though for a moment and quietly shook his head.
" I'm fine, just return my bike in all pieces and I will allow you to live when you return" Lloyd chuckles as he now waved good bye and headed inside. He heard the sound of his bike starting up as he closed the door behind him.
Luckily, today seemed to be a quiet day, since no one had called for their help and no villains had risen from the dead through the night. This was how the world was supposed to be... peaceful. Yet, something was badgering Lloyd as he walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. Before he reached it, he stopped in front of a small door. 47's room...
Should he enter...? Was she awake by now...? Was she ever going to wake up. Did she still... like him?
Many questions ran through Lloyd's head at that moment. He couldn't understand. Why had she never spoken to him through these two long years? Not even a letter or a sign of her being alive and well! And suddenly she pops up unconscious... without thinking, he quietly Optus door. The room wasn't big, but he recognized it right away. This had been the room he had been assigned to when he had been held captured by the ninja... he had spent weeks in there. Now the room contained a hospital bed and some simple furniture. Around the bet were lots of machines that were making sure 47's heart was still beating.
He pulled out a chair and sat next to her, quietly watching.
" it's... been a while..." Lloyd mumbled. He knew it was stupid to talk to an unconscious person... but he didn't know what else to do.
" Armen and Damon has grown a lot... they're almost taler than me now, funny right?" Lloyd chuckles a bit.
" Kai is Kai, Cole has actually a crush! Nya and Jey are still happy together and Zane has changed his looks. He's more... well more metal, to put it that way. We're all like a big family... where were you...? You... you could have been a part of it too... we missed you... I ... I missed you.." Lloyd lowered his head, feeling the tears press on, but held them back.
" two years, that's a long time no see" he looked up at her again. Her face was emotionless and her body was resting quietly. She looked so exhausted with all the scars. Where has she been? What happened to her? And who did she fight?
He looked down at her hands. They were full of scars, but nothing seemed to be to badly injured. Quietly he took her hand in his, her's being cold while his being warm. The room was completely quiet. Only the beeping on the monitor was the only source of sound in the room at the moment.
Lloyd sat there for quite some time, holding her hand in his. Even through she had been gone for so long, it felt like she had only left yesterday. She was back, and that was what truly mattered.
" I'm happy you're home" he smiled and then quietly stood up from his seat, letting go of her hand. But suddenly, a loud gasp ran through the room and a hand grabbed Lloyd's suit, pulling him down.
" MORRO! Ninjago In danger! they're after Brine! We must get to him before they do!!"
47's eyes stared into Lloyd's as she now was breathing heavily and the monitor was going Wilde.
" C... Calm down! You're safe!" Lloyd tried to put a hand on her shoulder, but she only shook her head, sounding very desperate.
" NINJAGO! DANGER!" She repeated before her eyes shut and she lost all her strength, falling back down into the bed, totally knocked out of exhaustion.
Lloyd stood there shocked, trying to take in what had just happened.
" Ninjago is in danger...."

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