Chapter 33

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" t...there's more..? I thought the legend of the green ninja was all that used to cover the walls!?" Lloyd burst out. Even though 47 hadn't really spent that much time in this room as Lloyd has, she still noticed the new marks and paintings.
" the earthquake from two years ago must have broken down walls that used to cover them up... I don't think the dark lord even knew about them.,," 47 quietly replies
" b..but how..." Lloyd was stunned by it all. This room looked nothing like it once used to..
" this is the final tomb..."
" come...? D..did my old master know about this place..? I .. I honestly don't think he did" Lloyd mumbles to himself as this didn't seem to make sense at all. If the dark lord had lived for ages... wouldn't he be the one to create something like this to revive himself? Wouldn't he have this place protected? Or at least revealed? It seems like he had no idea that this place ever existed..
" you sure...?" 47 couldn't imagine anything else. She hadn't been allowed into this room ever so often and therefore she did not know so much about it... but Lloyd had spent a lot of his childhood in here.. he had known the dark lord... and so had Brine, years before him.
It had taken a while, but she recognized the limp body laying at the center of the room. She hadn't known him for long... the last thing she remembered of him was the battle down in the tomb of fire where he in the end had almost killed them all...
" it took a while to find all the pieces, but in the end, we managed to find them all" the smug grin onto Ash's only told them that they were to late...
" I believe these are the pieces you guys tried to prevent us from getting our hands on. Too bad that kid hadn't managed to to hide well enough, his brother truly had put up a fight with us to give him the chance to escape. If he had, I bet we wouldn't be here now"
Those words hit her hard... 47 could feel her anger boil up from inside her when she realized he was talking about Armen. Anyone in their right mind would want this person killed, but she knew this wasn't the right thing to do... what she was more worried about was Lloyd...
Armen has been like a younger brother to him as well... his death had brought up something inside of him that even 47 hadn't seen before... and she wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing.
" dare you..." Lloyd's voice was filled with anger... his words were almost unreadable, but clear enough for them to understand...
Ash slowly shakes his head as he allowed himself to take a step towards them.
" no Lloyd, how dare you?" The reply was very confusing at the second, but then all hell broke lose. 47 felt someone grab her from behind, quickly forcing her down to the ground. without hesitation she tried to fight back, but the action had been absolutely unexpected. How in the world did she not notice the agents hiding in the shadows!?
She turned her head to look over at Lloyd, only to find him on the ground next to her.
" how dare you interfere when we're busy? Can't you see? The ritual is almost over" ash calmly speaks as he slowly turns to walk over to a large circle painted in red. Turns out... it was painted in blood.. it was obvious by the look of it...
" don't bring him back! This world doesn't need more evil to destroy it" Lloyd shouts, struggling to break free from the guards that were holding him down.
47 kept her eyes on Ash as he walked towards the large circle in the center. Towards Brine.
She knew this would sound wrong, but she had to ask.
" why him? Why is he so important? He's no one special. Brine isn't anything like the Green ninja or a guardian. Lloyd turned out to be the guardian of the tombs when they were in the tombs, because he was approved to be a sacrifice to fire even tho he is not the elemental master of fire. So why Brine...?" She almost sounded jealous in some way, but that didn't matter. Yes, Brine was a powerful fighter, and yes, his abilities were unique, but that didn't make him anything as important as Lloyd... then why? Why was he the center of attention now?
" why...? Well that's simple darling, he is the only one who can bring the dark lord back, because unlike Lloyd, Brine is connected to him."
This made them both turn silent for a long moment.
" w...what do you mean by that...?" Lloyd now speaks as he had stopped fighting against the guards.
" is he... the dark lord's son?" 47 nervously speaks as this was turning dark..
" no, not exactly, but that is one way of saying it" Ash replies and stands above the unconscious body of Brine.
" then... what is he?" Lloyd mumbles.

" the dark lord needed a human vessel to truly gain power in this world, to be a part of it, that vessel used to be your father Lloyd. But turns out, a vessel may be able to fight against the spirit in possession and soon enough... your father was back in control, therefore... the dark lord was no longer a part of this world or at least not connected to it.
But then he found a different way to connect to the over world.. and that was by fusing his blood with a human child, allowing it to gain his powers and for him to become part human like him. It's a type of an unbreakable contract between human and evil.. and Brine here is that child. It would have been you Lloyd if you had been born earlier" with those words said, Ash bends down and gently takes one of Brines hand in his and pulls out a knife.
" and all we need to do now, is for the dark lord to connect with his lose end again, only this time, the boy will become the new vessel of evil itself!" The blade of the knife digs its way deep into Brine's skin, letting the blood flow from his hand and down onto the ground underneath.
" stop that!" 47 yells, punching the guy who had forgotten to watch over her. She blows a punch to his jaw and kicks him away, quickly getting up to her feet and sprints towards the circle. Lloyd hadn't been quick enough to do the same and therefore, he was still pinned to the ground.
" don't do this to him! Don't do this to the world!" 47 calls out, but it was to late... The blood had touched the ground... and the gate to the underworld was now....



Im so sorry for not updating lately, I've started studying and time isn't as available as it used to, sadly, but don't worry! I haven't forgot about you guys!
Please be patient with me! I truly appreciate all your support and love! You guys are the reason to why i keep writing 🥰🥰🥰

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