Chapter nine

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" nothing"
" he's not here..."
" the store owner said he wasn't here... and there's nothing on the surveillance cameras that told us that he had been there"
" there's no sign of him anywhere..."
Lloyd slowly looked up at his father who was standing opposite him, watching him with concern in his eyes.
" he's nowhere... nothing..." Lloyd quietly whispers as he looks down to the ground. No one knew what had happened, but they knew who probably we're behind it all...
" don't give up just yet son, if he's out there, we will find him." Garmadon placed a hand onto Lloyd's shoulder, trying to calm him down.
Lloyd quietly nods and lifts his hand to speak into the communicator.
" ask anyone from the store if they have seen anything, and Zane, looks through the surveillance cameras again, I'm 99% sure he went to this store, he always goes there, we all do" Lloyd told them.
He then looked up at his father. " I have to join them, look after her, alright?.." Lloyd shyly blushed as he wraps his arms around his father. Garmadon nods in agreement and hugs his dare soon back.
" I will watch over her until you get back, no one will dare come close" he replied and let go of him, watching Lloyd slowly move towards one of the speeders.
" stay safe..." Lloyd gives his father one last look before he jumps on the speeder and starts the engine. Before he took off, a thought hit him and he quickly turned on his tracking device. If he wasn't mistaking, he had allowed Kai to lend his motorcycle to get to the grocery store.
" Nya. Are you still at the store?" Lloyd spoke into the communicator, waiting for her to reply.
" I am, what's up..?" She replied, sounding very upset. It was no secret that she was worried for Kai, they all were, but she was his sister...
" my bike, Kai borrowed my bike earlier today. Look around for it, according to my tracer device, it's supposed to be close by" Lloyd informed her.
" alright!" She replied and grabbed Jey by his arm.
Lloyd turns off the communicator and gives his father another wave before he took off, heading towards Ninjago city to look for his best friend.
They had to find him, he had to be near by...

It didn't take long until Lloyd reached the others, finding them searching around the grocery store. The whole area were on lockdown and people were curiously gathering around the barricades. The police were there as well, trying their best to keep the place untouched as the ninja and some few detectives were searching the place for any kinds of clues. It was then Lloyd noticed his bike, witch Kai had borrowed, only some few hours ago.
" they found your bike parked up to the store, but it doesn't help much, it only proves that he has been here, but no one has seen him, and there's no forage on the surveillance cameras." Cole had walked up Lloyd as soon he had seen him come. Lloyd quietly jumps off the speeder and walks over.
" well... my bike has a camera, perhaps there's something on it" Lloyd knew it would have sounded stupid if this were under different circumstances, but right now, he was glad to have the it. Followed by Cole, he quickly jogged over to the bike and started searching for the small camera that were supposed to be attached to the front of the bike. And there it was.
Lloyd quickly pulled out the camera from the small container and started downloading the forage onto his communicator.
Cole watched him confused, but didn't interfere him with any questions as it seemed like Lloyd was working very hard.
When the download was complete, a screen popped up from Lloyd's wrist as lots of documents were showing on the screen.
" wow! When did you get that!?" Cole was surprised to see such technology.
" the whole team were offered a communicator bracelet by Cyrus Borg, don't you remember? Everyone except you accepted one. You were all like, ahhh technology is destroying our brains, why isn't it possible to play video games on it? It's useless" Lloyd raised his eyebrow at Cole who slightly blushed as he remembered.
" I thought it was some kind of junk alright!?"
Cole then turned his attention back to Lloyd's communicator as he suddenly caught sight of something.
" wait! Stop the video! Go back 3 seconds!" Cole bursts out and grabbed Lloyd's arm.
" hey hey! Calm down!" Lloyd were caught off guard, not expecting Cole to burst out like this, but he did as he was told and went back 3 seconds.
They both stood there quietly, studying the forage as it moved again.
" stop! Put it to slow mode" Cole commanded and grabbed Lloyd's hand to gain access to his communicator. His fingers swiped through the screen and zoomed in on the picture in front of them. It was then Lloyd noticed what Cole had tried to show him. The picture showed a small part of the store from outside where it stood by the window. Most of the view here blocked by products, but in the corner of the Picture, a masked man could be seen, holding a gun. It wasn't clear who he was pointing it at, but it had to be Kai.
" his mask! It's just like the pice we found laying next to (your/name)!" Lloyd spoke, pointing at the figure.
" yeah! So it must be the X squadron then!" Cole replies.
" yeah.. I don't really think that's what they're really called. It was what (your/name) called them, she didn't really know who they were" Lloyd told him. Cole only rolled with his eyes.
" really? That's not important now."

Suddenly, Nya's face popped up on their screen " Lloyd... I found something" her voice was different from earlier. By the sound of it, she almost sounded mad.
" everything alright? What's going on?" Lloyd replies as he holds up the screen so Cole could see as well.
" what did you find Nya?" Cole asked curiously. Without another word, Nya held up something for them to see, but it was hard to see what it was.
" eh... that doesn't help. All I see is a pice of white.. no, grey" Cole spoke, pulling the communicator closer to his face too see if it would make it easier to see what the thing in her hand could possibly be.
" I... I will show you myself, just give me a sec.." with that, the screen went black. Lloyd looked over at Cole, who looked back at him, both wearing the same confused expression.
It didn't take long until Jey and Nya walked around the corner to the store, Nya holding something in her hand. What could it possibly be?
" we don't know... Nya hasn't opened it yet, but we found it underneath this..." Jay holds out Kai's red fire pin witch he usually wears on his suit.
" Kai's pin!?" Cole grabbed the pin, just to be sure it was Kai's, witch it was.
" where did you find it?" Lloyd looked up at Nya, who angrily had tried to avoid telling them what she had found underneath the pin.
" on the floor, close to the chicken nuggets that I told him to get us" Jey told them, grabbing the pin from Cole, taking it back.
" and we found this..." Nya mumbled as she held it up. A white envelope, covered in deep red blood. Kai's blood...
" now that's creepy... " Lloyd gently takes the envelope out of Nya's hand and studied it. It wasn't addressed to anyone. Carefully, he opened it and peaked inside. A note.
" should I...?" Lloyd questions them, not knowing if it was safe.
" read it out loud..." Jey replies, watching lloyd carefully pulling the small note out. They all gathered closer to read what was written.

" if you want to see your friend again, then follow my instructions, 1134776"

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