Chapter 10

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That was all Kai could feel on the inside.
He couldn't feel the burning fire within himself anymore...
His powers had been ripped out of him, taking away the greatest gift he had ever received from this world.
He was useless now... the elemental master of fire did no longer exist, all that was left, was his shell... his useless body. Unable to defend anyone in need, and the worst pat is, that he had to live with this... torture him this way, was what they had intended for him... in hopes to destroy him.
" useless..." Kai whispered to himself as he slowly lays his head into his palms, quietly letting the tears break free.
His powers were gone... they were all gone...a large pice of him was gone...forever..
This was his first time crying in years... last time he had been crying was when he found out about the death of their parents, witch were many years ago. Long before he met Garmadon and Wu, long before he knew about his elemental powers...
he remembered the day Wu had told him about his powers, it was the weirdest day of his life but also his best. He had felt closer to his father than he had in years. It was an honor to carry his legacy...

With both his hands covering his face, Kai had not noticed the two people standing in front of his cell.
" it's him..." the red headed girl mumbled. Watching the master of fire so broken like this made her feel terrible. She didn't know the Aero was an element stealing crystal. What was her master going to do with it...?
Skylor looked up at the taller boy beside her. Brine was standing there, both his arms crossed and coldly staring at their new teammate.
" not impressed" Brine narrows his eyes and turned to leave.
" come on, you haven't even met him" Skylor tried to convince him to stay. Brine ignored her and walked towards the training halls where they're supposed to meet up. Skylor quietly turns around to face Kai alone. If Brine wasn't going to help her, then she was going to do this alone. After all... she was going to be the leader of their new little group.

Kai heard the sound of knocking and then the door to his cell open up. He slowly raised his head to see who had came to pay him a visit, quickly drying away his tears, trying to hide his hurt feelings. Skylor noticed this and quietly stands in front of him.
All these years she had spent within this secret organization, she had been trained to stay cold and calm at all times, not letting feelings get to her, but this had always been one of her weaknesses...
" what do you want.." Kai groans at her, not really paying attention to her, as he just wanted to be left alone.
" you have been assigned a team. From today on, I'm your squad leader" skylor confessed, watching Kai's expression grow from careless to shocked.
" wait what!? I have not agreed to join your evil criminal side! No way!" Kai stood up from the bed he currently had been sitting on, totally confused at what was happening. There was no way he had agreed to anything like this.
Skylor quietly holds up a note that she had been ordered to deliver to him. Kai grabbed it without a word and started reading the note. It took some time to read it though, but when he reached the bottom, his face turned white.
He couldn't believe this... was this really true..? Was his...
" you will obey my commands, no questions asked, and no contacting old friends, understood?" Skylor spoke, now reaching him another object.
Kai slowly lowered the note and looked down at the object in her hand. A mask. If he took it, it would be a sign of acceptance. He would become a part of this evil order... but.. if what the note said was true... then would this be worth it....?
His fingers locked themselves around the mask, colored in black, embellished with red marks. It was just like skylor's, only that here's were orange... and if he remembered correctly, Morro had green. Was the colors meant to symbolize anything...?
" okay... I'm listening..." Kai whispers coldly, not liking what was going on, but he had no choice. If his parents was alive... then he would obey. He was going to free them.
Skylor quietly nods. " good. Now follow me, you're going to meet your new teammates"

It didn't take long until Skylor  and Kai had reached the training ground, where two other members were waiting for them, both of course busy training. Kai was dressed up in his new suit, witch resembled the others in the base, just a different color on the minor details. Despite the looks, the suit fitted him perfectly, and he had to admit, it almost felt a bit more conferrable than his old ninja suit to wear. But this he would never admit to anyone. He rather choose the ninja over this cause.
" Kai, this is Seliel,"Skylor  introduced him to one of the members who had turned her attention to them in stead of continuing training. The pink haired girl gave him a short nod as a greeting. Kai quietly nods back at her, not knowing what else to do. She at least seemed alright... unlike the other guy who had completely ignored them.
This of course caught Kai's attention. Why was he refusing to walk over to join them, when their squad leader had called them over, as an order? Why was this guy rebellious?
" Brine, group up" Skylor commanded, expecting the older boy to come and join them. He didn't show any sign of obedience as he now was holding up some shurikens, throwing them towards at the targets, surprisingly hitting them spot on.
" I'm not interested in saying hello to your new toy." Brine frowns as he doesn't move his eyes off his targets as he continues throwing shurikens, each time, hitting the doll in a deadly spot. Kai couldn't hold back a grin as he had decided to like this guy. Whoever he was, he seemed cool.
" he's not a toy" Skylor replies, slowly starting to get annoyed. Why couldn't he just listen!?
Brine finally turned his attention away from the targets and looked over at the small group of people gathered together.
" whatever you say princess" he replied coldly as he let go of the shurikens, quietly walking over to them.
Seliel quietly looks up at Skylor who was trying her best to not lose her temper. As Brine reaches them, Kai couldn't help but stare. The guy seemed to be about his age. Blue eyes.. light brown hair, cold....wait... according to Lloyd's description of the missing boy from the mountain village...? Could this be him!?
Why was he here!? If he was the missing boy.. then he was being held captured against his own will as well! Leaving Kai to not being the only one!
Brine caught Kai staring at him, Kai quickly turning his attention away as he realized. He lowered his head, looking down, trying to catch the attention of something else when he saw it...
" is you're the one under the curse..." he hadn't intended to say that out loud, but of course, Kai being Kai, couldn't help it. This caught all three of them off guard as Kai had spoken. Brine most of all, looked at him for a while, unsure of how to reply to such a comment. But his eyes told them everything. Rage was burning up In them as it was obvious he wasn't happy about it.
" stay out of my business" was all he came up with, not caring if it sounded more rude than he had intended it to be. He couldn't care less, and it didn't badger him.
Who was this guy...? And why was Morro inslaving him? Why had the X squadron kidnapped Brine in the first place? And why was he there?! Why had they removed his powers!?
" anyway. Kai, this is your new team, we will be assigned missions, and as you all should know, our master does not tolerate failure. Kai, your new roommate will be Brine, you both have the responsibility to make sure you both show up to all that is written on your schedule. If one of you fail to meet up, you both share the same punishment." Skylor told them, now handing each one of them a holobracelet.
" this will help you keep track of things." They all quietly took one each, placing it onto their wrists. Brine who already had a bracelet on his right hand, placed the second one on his left.
Skylor then smiled.
" dismissed"
Kai and Brine looked at each other, unsure of what to do now as they had become attached to each other according to Skylors schedule. They both were to train together, they shared room, they were both in trouble if one failed to meet up in time. At least they had one thing in common... none of them really had a choice but to work together, unlike the girls.
This was probably plotted by their master... whoever he was.

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