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MeiLi got home and placed her weapons back where they belong in her room then took a shower. After she was done she changed into her navy blue silk nightgown with the robe on. She went downstairs making her way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water to drink. She noticed a post-it on the fridge and read it. "

"Hakyeon, MeiLi. Your dad and I are going to Japan for a month for business. Please take care of yourself and if you need anything just give us a call. Love mom and dad."

MeiLi smiled to herself decided to make dinner for her brother and the guys before she head off to sleep. She made them kimchi stew with a side of rolled eggs and covered it with a food net cover with a note that says, "I made you guys some food. I'll be asleep by the time you guys get home. Hope you enjoy the food! Love MeiLi" she walked up to her room, yawning before plopping onto her bed as she got in the covers and quickly fell asleep.



The guys just got home from a long evening. Hakyeon loosened his necktie as he walked towards the kitchen and saw his sister's note. He read it and smiled. "I'm glad she came back home safe." He uncovered the food and shouted quietly but loud enough for the guys to hear. "Hey kids! Come eat dinner!" 5 guys ran over to the kitchen with wide eyes, drooling. "Wah!" The blonde hair one exclaimed. The taller slender one walked over and sat down. "Did MeiLi make it?" Hakyeon nodded as he passed out each a bowl with chopsticks and spoons.

After they ate and cleaned up, the guys decided to crash in the guest rooms as they were too tired to go home. Hakyeon went up to MeiLi's door and silently cracked it open as he peeked in and saw her sleeping soundly. "Goodnight little sis." He smiled before closing the door again then went to bed.



"I got it, Yoongi." The broad shoulder guy came into his office with a folder in his hand. "Thanks, Jin hyung." Jin handed him the folder and Yoongi looked through it. "Her name is Cha MeiLi. She's the daughter of Cha Hyunjun. Her brother is Cha Hakyeon. Well, step brother."

Yoongi was reading the files then he looked at the pictures of MeiLi in regular clothing, smiling and interacting with strangers he doesn't know. "So this is how her smile looks like. She's so beautiful." He stared at the picture, fascinated with his gummy smile showing unconsciously. Jin waves a hand in front of Yoongi's sight. "Yoongi?" Jin called him casually. Seeing how Yoongi still stuck in a trance Jin screamed out. "YAAAHHH MIN YOOOOONGIIIIII!!!" He finally blinked then shook his head and glared at Jin. The rest of the guys came rushing in, thinking something happened.

Busting the door wide open. "What happened?!" The red hair guy asked with his mouth agape. "Is Yoongi hyung okay?" The dark brown hair with a bigger built body blinked, starint at Jin and Yoongi. Jin let out a wind shield laugh while pointing at Yoongi. "He's totally whipped." The rest of the guys let out a sigh of relief and walked towards them. "Is that her pictures he's looking at?" Namjoon asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Jin nodded while another guy with medium brown hair whose mouth shapes like a heart when he smiles approaches behind Yoongi, lightly skipping. "Oh! Hyung has a crush!"

Yoongi's cheeks lightly turned into a pink shade, biting his bottom lip nervously then glares at the guys. "Hush Hobi! Go to bed! We have a meeting tomorrow!" He brushes them off as they tease him, leaving his office and closing the door behind. "Jeez MeiLi. What have you done to me?"

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