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It's been a good 2 weeks since Jinyoung died. MeiLi and Yoongi have been happy together. She went back to her normal life. Yoongi and the guys went back to doing their business and deals. Her parents left again, but this time to America for a few months due to an incident at one of their companies they own over there.

"So, how have you and Yoongi been doing?" Her bestfriend asked, gently nudging her shoulder with a playful grin. The girl chuckled and smacked her shoulder lightly. "We're doing good." "I'm glad. But are you feeling okay? You seem kind of pale today." Her friend raised the back of her hand to check the temp on her forehead, clashing her brows together. "I'm fine. Just been feeling a sick lately. I think it's probably..." Before she could finish her sentence she started feeling nauseous and quickly ran to the bathroom while covering her hand over her mouth.

Suddenly the bell on the door rang notifying a customer came in. "Hi! Welcome! How may I help you?" Sooyoung bowed to the customer without paying attention. "Is MeiLi not working today?" She heard a deep calm familiar voice and quickly looked up. "Oh! Yoongi it's you!" She gave him a smile then pointed towards the direction where the bathrooms were at. "She just went in. She said she hasn't been feeling well." Yoongi raised a brow. "She hasn't been feeling well? Why didn't she tell me?" Soon after, MeiLi came walking out and Yoongi walked over to her, concerned. "Yoongi. What are you doing here?" He replied back with another question instead, scanning her all pale tired looking body that seems to kind of have a kind of glow. "Are you okay? You don't look so good." She shook her head with a small pout. "Let's go home. You need to rest." He took her hand, interlocking their fingetd together and told Sooyoung that she was gonna go home since she's not feeling well.

Right when they both were about to walk out, they accidentally bumped into a customer walking in through the door. "I'm sorry!" The girl said as she bowed then looked at both of them. "Yoongi? Is that you?" The girl with a kind of high pitch voice with long brown hair along with bangs questioned. "Minah?" Yoongi furrowed his brows, squinting his eyes. "It is you!" She squealed and attacked him with a tight hug. MeiLi let go of Yoongi's hand and crossed her arms, glaring at him at the corner or his eye. Yoongi quickly pushed Minah off and cleared his throat, taking MeiLi's hand into his again. Minah saw his hand with hers and scoffed. "I'm Minah. Yoongi's ex girlfriend. And you are?" She offered a handshake towards but Yoongi answered on her behalf instead. "This is MeiLi, my girlfriend." Minah mouthed 'oh' and nodded her head sarcastically. "Well Yoongi, we should get together and catch up again for old time sakes. It was good seeing you again." She leaned over and kissed his cheek before giving MeiLi a smirk. Yoongi looked over at MeiLi and saw anger in her eyes. "Fuck Minah! What the fuck?! You're calling for a death wish! Not just for you but for me too!"

"We should go, babe! You're not feeling well, remember?" Yoongi quickly took her out afraid she was gonna turn into her killing stage. Before the cafe door closed they could hear Sooyoung refusing to serve Minah since she saw the whole thing. Soon Yoongi and MeiLi got to Yoongi's house, she walked in after him with her arms crossed. "So are you gonna tell me or...?" The first thing she had said since at the cafe. He turned to look at her, scratching the back of his head. "Well.. Minah was my ex girlfriend. She was my first love." MeiLi put her hands down to the side and clenched them into fists, digging her nails into her skin. "We were together for a year then we broke up when I found her messing with my deals and screwing other guys. I tried to kill her for fucking me over, but she was afterall my first love.. I couldn't. So I let her go." She glared at him, biting her lower lip as she feels her nails breaking into her skin. "And now?" He walked up to her and cupped both her cheeks, shaking his head rapidly. "She means nothing to me. You're everything I've ever wanted. I only love you."

The guys suddenly walked over from behind Yoongi trying not to interrupt their moment. MeiLi unclench her fists and took a deep breath. "I need to rest." She grabbed his hands off her and walked past him and the guys, straight towards Yoongi's room without a word. Yoongi just stood there and watched her, rummaging her hand through his hair frustrated. Jin walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Is everything okay?" Yoongi shook his head and looked down. "What happened, hyung?" Jimin joined in. "We ran into Minah." He mumbled under his breath. "Minah?" Namjoon's eyes widened. Jungkook clicked his tongue and hissed. "Always fucking Minah."

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