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Approaching her front door he straightened out and dust off his jacket before knocking on the door. The door opened and MeiLi stood there, greeting him. "Damn..." He stared at her speechless with his jaw dropped. "She looks so fucking beautiful." Her faint voice calling his name begins to get louder, bringing his senses back to reality. "Yoongi?" She kept calling while waving her hand over his eyes. He shook his head and gulped. "Yes?" She giggles at his reaction. "Let's go." He nodded and held his arm out for her. MeiLi turned around and waved bye to Hakyeon who was standing behind her from a distance with a smile before taking Yoongi's arm.


"So, where are we going?" She asked while they were in the car as he drove. "To eat first since I haven't eaten yet." She nodded while looking out the window at the night sky until they arrived, parking the car. Yoongi led her in the restaurant that was filled with people, but he had reserved a private room just for them. He pulled out her chair abd gestured her to sit. She chuckled at his good manners which she kind of found it strange. "Is he really as dangerous as everyone else says he is?"

He sat across from her and ordered for them. "So, why did you wanted to take me out on a date?" He was surprised at her sudden question, but smirked. "Well, you seem like an interesting girl." Mei Li raised a brow and questioned, "What do you mean?" Yoongi leaned back in his chair. "Well, I've never seen a girl who could calmly so a trade..." he leaned closer, with his arms on the table clasping his hands together with a grin. "Especially with me. You see, I'm sure you've heard about me. And when girls come across me they usually get scared. But you..." He clicked his tongue and shook his index finger towards her. "You are something else."

She scoffed lightly and laughed at him. "Well, I'm not scared of anything at all. Just know that if anyone ever messes with my loved ones then they end up meeting a very angry me. Even if it's you." She leaned over closer, their faces only inches away as she whispers. "And trust me, you do not want to mess with an angry MeiLi." She smirked. There was a sudden silence as they both stared into the depth of each other's pupils.

Yoongi suddenly raised his hand up to cup her left cheek, slowly stroking her jawline with his thumb in silence. "Control yourself, Yoongi.." He thought to himself. She blinked as her brows furrowed a bit in confusion. "What's this feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast?" Yoongi leaned closer, almost getting out of his chair as their lips were drawing closer and closer. Their warm breaths getting closer almost.... a door suddenly opened and the waiter came in. They blinked and separated from each other, sitting back straight as Yoongi cleared his throat. A slight pink blush creeped onto MeiLi's cheeks as she huffs out a small puff trying to calm herself down.

After they finished eating they talked for a bit about their business. "So, you're kind of mostly targeted by almsot everyone, right?" She asked him as he nodded, heaving out a sigh. "I've killed so many who betrayed me and decides to go back on their words. They should all know better than to mess with me. Messing with me is like wishing for death." He bragged, chuckling. "But some of them want to run me over and take my spot whether they were afraid of me or not. So most of the time I have to watch my back just in case."

"That sounds a little sad." The girl frowned. "So they could come and kill you at any moment?" He hummed as a reply. "What if... I could kill you right now?" She grinned at him, looking towards him. Yoongi stood up from his chair and walked over to her, lifting her chin up with his finger as their eyes met. He leans down towards her, close enough for him to speak in a low voice but loud enough for her to hear. "If you could, then you would've already tried." He shoved a sly smirk across his face then grabbed her hand. "Come on, I got another place to take you too." "Let's just hope that day doesn't happen." The lad thought as he took her out and into the car.

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