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Jack's POV 6:50 am
Another day in gleamy old Ireland. Oh look at that...It's raining. I roll my eyes and climb out of bed, carful not to disturb my girlfriend, and head to the bathroom. I take a piss and walk out to the kitchen.
Hmmm Cereal...Cereal...or cereal
Same as every day.
I eat my breakfast and head to the studio.
Great. Another meme time. Same as always.
*it's meme time it's meme time, gather all your friends it's meme time it's meme time! The only cute for sadness!!*
~time skip~
*End of video*
Ugh. Great. All done.
Now to edit, post, and do absolutely nothing all day.

~time skip(done editing)~
I walk out and see Evelien sitting on the couch.
E: Hey babe. How was work?
J: Same as always.
E: Oh...

Evelien's POV
He seems down...hmm.
E: You okay babe?
J: Yep, I'm going out on a walk. See you later.
E: Okay...Bye, Love y-
He was gone...Out the door and off on a walk. Hmm he might just be grumpy.

Jack's POV
Damn I'm tired of this. I do the same thing every day. It's not that I'm tired of YouTube, I don't want to quit, I want to do something new...
Who's fucking calling me?
Oh shite! It's Mark!!
*Phone call*
M: Hey Jack!
J: Hey Markimoo, what's up?
M: Just thought I'd call.
J: Aww. For no reason?
M: I missed you.
J: Aww I miss you too Mark.
M: When are you coming down again? It's been awhile.
J: Well, A trip would certainly be nice, but Evelien might not want to go...
M: Ugh! Why not? LA is nice! And so is my house!
J: But...she doesn't...
M: Like me! I know!
J: I'm sorry Mark...
M: It's fine, it's not your fault.
J: She is being pretty annoying lately. I'm just tired of waking up, doing work, waiting for her to get up. Ya know?
M: Well, I'm getting that way with Amy to be honest...I'm out on a "walk" right now.
J: Same here. I had to get out of there.
M: yeah...
J: Oh shite..
M: What?
J: She is calling. I'll call you back. Bye Marky.
M: Bye Jacky.

*Evelien's call*
J: Hey babe.
E: Where are you?
J: Walking the block.
E: Plan on coming home?
J: Yes of course! I just needed some air.
E: Okay well, come home now.
J: What? Why?
E: Just come home.
J: But babe I-
E: Come home.
Wow...she hung up on me. I'm not going home..........

Evelien's POV
He better get his butt home...
He is probably texting MARK.
I'm sure he is gay with him.
That cheater!
I'm sure of it.
I see how they look at each other and laugh and giggle at each other. UGH

Jack's POV
I fucking hate this! I'm in a bad relationship and I am going to get out of it! NO MATTER WHAT

Mark's POV
He is in a bad relationship...I feel terrible. I wish I could do something.
~Jackyboy is calling~
M: Hey... how did it go?
J: Well, She said COME HOME NOW and I said why and she say COME HOME and she hung up. She is pissed off because I left and now I'm not going back.
M: Wow...Your just gonna disappear?
J: Mhm
M: Where to?
J: You'll see. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later Mark.
M: Okay Jack...Just be careful...
J: I will. See ya.
M: Bye.
Oh good. Now he isn't going home. He has no where else to go!

Jack's POV
Just booked the flight to LA. I'll show up at Mark's door and he will let me in and everything will be fine! PERFECT! I got the late flight tonight, So I just gotta occupy myself all day then I'll be off to Mark's.

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