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Marks POV
I pull up to the house and walk up to the door. I hear someone yelling. Jack? Is he okay?
I creak the door open and see don't see Bob anywhere. I run upstairs and see Jack's door is open. He stopped yelling, maybe he is hurt. I peak in and see Jack laying on the bed covered in blood.
I run over and scoop him up in my arms. He has a deep cut on his throat. Did he do this to himself?! No! He was yelling! He couldn't have!
M: Jack, wake up? Jack!
I try and stop the bleeding while trying to wake Jack up.
M: Jack...Please...I need you.
His eyes sorta open and he looks up at me. His beautiful blue eyes seem to be a shade darker.
J: M-mark?
M:What happened!?
J: Alter...
J: He is here.
Jack grabbed at the blanket and pressed it to his throat.
J: I'll be fine. You go...
M: No! I'm not leaving you.
J: I'll hide. Call the cops. I'll be fine. G-go...Kill that sun of a bitch.
I kiss jacks forehead and stand up. I hand him my phone and I dart out the door. First thing I notice is Bob's door is cracked. I open it and it creaks. I don't see Bob so I walk in a bit further.
M: Bob?!
I whisper shout.
B: Mark?
I hear a small whisper from the closet. I open it and see Bob sitting on the floor, hiding.
M: What the fuck happened!?
B: Anti! He came out of Jack. He tried to kill me but I hid and I heard Jack yelling.
M: Get up!
I help Bob off the ground and we go to Jack's room. He is sitting up and leaving on the head board of the bed.
M: Jack! Come on! We are getting out.

Jack's POV
Mark pics me up like I'm a baby and carried me out into the hall. Bob walks ahead of us and grabs the broom that was setting in the corner.
M: That's your weapon?
B: Fuck off, it's all I got.
We go down stairs and just before we reach the door we hear a giggle. Mark's grip on me tightens. We turn and see Anti sitting in the kitchen licking the blood off the knife he used to slit my throat.
A: Hey guys...Long time no see.
M: What do you want!?
A: Right to the chase huh?
M: Anti, just tell us.
A: I want to see Dark again.
M: N-No! I won't let him out!
A: Then I'll make Jack suffer in everyway possible Infront if you.
M: Don't touch him!
Mark backed up a few steps and Anti walked towards us.
A: Come on...You don't want to see Jack in pain do you? You don't want to watch me cut off his fingers...Then his toes...
M: Anti! Stop, I'm warning you!
A: What will you do if I don't?
M: I-I'll...I'll kill you!
A: Oh yeah, Stutter-muffin?
M: Sh-Shut up!
A: How cute. Trying to be brave. Just let Dark out.

Mark's POV
I look down at Jack. He looks at me with his big blue eyes.
J: Don't, I won't risk it. Just let him have me.
M: No! I won't Jack. It's fine, I'll just let him out...
J: No! Just let him take me! I-I love you...
I ignore his request and set him down on the couch.
J: M-Mark? What are you doin!?
I stand in the middle of the room and close my eyes.
*In Mark's head*
I am in total darkness. All I can see if a redish glow Infront of me. Dark.
M: Dark...
D: Mark...
M: I'm going to let you out. I have to.
D: Do I get to see Anti?
M: Yes.
D: Hurry up then.
M: Come on...
I close my eyes again and when I open them, I'm standing in the living room. Jack is staring up at my with tears in his eyes.
J: M-Mark...?
I let out a huge sigh and turn to him.
M: I had to...
Then Dark appears in tbe kitchen. He runs to Anti and hugs him.

Dark's POV
I hug Anti, It has been so long since I've felt his small body in my arms.
D: It's been too long...
A: Yeah... I missed you.
I look up and see Jack sitting on the couch holding a blanket to his throat and there is blood.
D: Anti! What happened to your brother!?
A: I slit his throat, only way to get Mark to get you.
M: can you help him?? Please!
Anti looks up at me and I nod.
A: Ugh! FINE.

Anti's POV
I snap my fingers and Jack's neck looks good as new.
A: There.
I roll my eyes and look at Mark.
M: Yeah, thanks.
He runs over to Jack and hugs him.
A: Okay so we will be living with you now.
D: Yep. Deal with it.
After a while if arguing I threatened that I would kill Bob amd they all went quiet.
J: Fine...Just leave Bob out of this.
D: Okay. Deal.

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