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Jack's POV
I can't believe we just did that...what if people are mean? What if they hate us!?

Mark's POV
I DONT CARE IF PEOPLE HATE US OR NOT. I love him and I have for a long time.

~time skip they read all the comments already~

M: Alright. They are all good. See! I told you so!
J: Yeah. You were right.

Jack's POV
M:Hey...So since we are dating...Can i take you on a date?
J: Yes! Where to?
M: Out to eat. Back to my place.
He winked at me and i couldn't feel anything.
J: So baby, what's gonna happen when we come back here.
I lowered my voice to a seductive tone and watched as he bit his lip.
M: Hmm..I guess you'll just have to find out.
He dropped his voice several octaves down. Wow, he is so fucking hot.

Mark's POV
Two can play at that game. I dropped my voice as low as i could and as i spoke i watched him shiver as i sent a chill down his spine. He is so adorable...
I got up and got ontop of him, my legs on either side of his thighs. I was sitting on his crotch.
J: Isn't this supposed to wait until tonight?
M: Oh, I have something better planned for tonight.

Jack's POV
I pushed him the floor so I was on top. We were making out amd that's really as far as we took it. The real fun was waiting for tonight. After a while of making out we heard the doorbell. He pulled away from the kiss and sighed.
M: Ugh. Always at the good part, huh?
J: Yeah I guess.
We stood and he went to the door. I was in the kitchen which isn't far away from the door so i could hear some of what was being said.
M: Hello?
Person: I got a flight and decided to surprise you!
M: Oh my god!! I'm so glad your here!
All I knew was it was a male voice, and Mark was excited about it. It didn't sound like Wade or Bob or Felix. Who is it?
I decided to walk up behind Mark.
M: Oh, Jack! This is my brother, Thomas!
J: Oh! Hi!
T: The famous Jacksepticeye! Whatcha doin here?
J: Um...
M: He is my boyfriend.
J: Yep.
I felt my face go red a little.
T: Mark, i thought you were with Amy...
M: We broke up.
T: Oh...Well, Congrats.
M: Here, come in!

~Time skip~
Marks POV
We all sat around and talked for a while until i noticed it was 5:00 which means it was time to take Jack to dinner.
M: Oh shit, Bro, we gotta go.
T: Oh...Where to?
M: I'm taking Jackaboy here to dinner. So, stay here if you want, you can sleep here, the spare room is open.
T: alright well you guys have fun.
M: Oh and i don't know when we will be back so don't wait up.
T: you got it. See y'all.
J: bye!
M: bye

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