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Jack's POV (10:45 AM)
I woke up in Mark's arms. He was awake, just staring at me and running his fingers through my hair.
M: Good morning my beautiful Irish angel...
J: Morning to you too Markimoo
He kissed my forehead and I giggled at his cuteness. He pecked my nose then pecked my lips. He kissed my lips again, this time a bit longer. He was teasing me and I knew it. He went to kiss me one more time but I grabbed his hair and pulled him so he couldn't back away. I pressed my lips firmly to his and he kissed back. I felt his tongue against my bottom lip, begging for permission. I parted my lips and his tongue slid inside my mouth. He pressed against my tongue and then explored every inch of my mouth. There was a knock on the door so we separated. I breathed heavily and he panted.

Mark's POV
I stood and went to the door. I open it and see Bob standing there.
B: Morning.
M: This better be good.
B: Oh it is!
M: Spill it.
B: Come here...
He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the hallway. I closed the door and he smirked at me. But his smirk was weird...He seemed like he was dieing to laugh but couldnt. He pointed to the kitchen and I slowly made my way in there. Someone jumped out Infront of me just as I was about to turn the corner.
The sound didn't fucking scare me, It was the jump scare!
My first instinct was to swing and I did. My first came in contact with something hard and all to be heard was a 'OWWW' . I opened my eyes and realized...Felix? I heard foot steps behind me, two sets, Bob and Jack.
M: Oh shit! Sorry man! You scared me!
Felix stood there holding his jaw.
F: It's fine. I should've known.
He laughed and looked at us all.
B: Shit! Sorry Felix, Bad idea I guess!
M: Idea? What??
F: Bob called, Said wd having a guys night. I flew in. So did some other folks! They are on their w-
He was cut off my the door opening. Tyler walked in. Then Wade. Then Ethan.

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