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Bob's POV
I looked out and seen a perfect picture opportunity. Jack and Mark in the sunset. How cute. I snapped a photo and put my phone away. I headed up to the house and Wade followed me.
W:  They are cute, Huh?
B: Yeah...
W: You okay?
B: Just missing Mandy...
W: Forget about her! We are here to have fun!
B: Yeah, I guess...
Then the door opened. Tyler and Ethan walked in kissing. They weren't looking where they were going and they fell over the couch.
E: Oops!
Tyler and Ethan stopped kissing since we were in the house.
I headed to my room and once again, Wade followed. He handed me a beer and took a sip of his.
W: So....
B: So what?
I chugged a bit of beer and set it down. Wade looked sad.
B: What's up?
W: I missed all you guys.
B: Be happy! Your with us!
W: But I have to leave tomorrow.
B: So does Tyler and Ethan.
W: But y'all live in the same town. I live in another state.
B: You'll come down again, Don't worry about it.
W: Yeah. Your right. Cheers?
B: To what?
W: Friendship. Getting rid of the hoes for a night of guys!
B: Sounds pretty gay but cheers!
We clinked our beers and chugged. I finished first. He laughed and left me in my room.

Mark's POV
I noticed everyone but Felix had gone in.
M: Hey, Lefts swim back.
J: Okay. Race ya!
He took off and I quickly caught up. I was a fast swimmer. I got to shore just a few seconds before him.
J: Yeah yeah.
M: What's my prize?
Jack stood on his tip toes and pecked my nose.
J: There ya go.
M: That's it?!
J: Your welcome!
He grinned and ran towards the house. I turned around and Felix was sitting on a log.
M: You good?
F: Huh? Oh...Yeah. I fine.
M: I might be dumb, but not dumb enough. What's wrong?
F: It's nothing.
M: Fine. Suit your self.
I got up and pretended to leave.
He started to mumble to himself.
F: Your not gay...your not no no. Your not gay!
He got a little louder...Then louder. He was almost shouting. It was like was trying to convince himself.
I put a hand on his shoulder and he jumped.
M: Sorry...So...You gonna tell me yet?
F: I can't.
M: Why?
F: Because. It's not true.
M: You can't keep telling yourself that. It is true. Just exept it...
M: I heard you Felix. We won't judge. I won't judge. I'm gay! I'll let the whole world know!
F: But I'm not...
M: Really?
F: I have a girlfriend! I have a life!
M: Oh Felix...You'll understand one of these days. Just think about it for a while, Okay?
F: Yeah...
I stood up, expecting him to follow but he didn't.
M: Coming in?
F: In a bit...
M: Alright. If u need me, call.
F: Of course.
I walked back up to the house. Ethan and Tyler were cuddling on the couch. Wade was drinking a beer with Jack. Bob must be in his room.

Jack's POV
I was drinking a beer with Wade when Mark came back in.
J: Hey baby.
M: Hey Jacky.
J: I'm tired
I walked over to him and leaned on him so he was pretty much holding me up.
M: Well put your drink down amd let's go to bed.
J: Do I get cuddles?
M: Always.
I set my drink down amd he swooped me up. He carried me to his room and layed me down on the bed.
M: Okay okay jeez!
~tine skip~
I woke up in the middle of the night and wondered downstairs to get a drink. Wade went to sleep on the chair and Tyler snd Ethan fell asleep together on the couch. Bob is up in his room but where is Felix?
I look outside and see him sitting by the water. Right where he was when we went inside. I grab two beers and head out. I sit next to him and hand him a cold one.
J: You good?
F: Not really.
He popped off the cap and took a big drink.
J: What's going on? 
F: I've been thinking and...I have just been really depressed lately.
And now I'm confused about my sexuality. And I have a girlfriend. And I'm just...Lost.
J: Oh...That's alot Felix...First off, why you feel depressed?
F: I've just been confused about what to do on YouTube and I am just not happy anymore.
J: Hey, if you need a break, We all understand that. Take a break if you need one Felix. And about your sexuality, I can't help much on that. You just gotta find out. And your gf, you miss her?
F: I miss her alot.
J: Call her. Text her. Tell her how much you love her. Make her feel wanted, Needed. 
F: Thanks Jack.
J: Anytime Felix.
We sat there another 10 minutes uncomfortable silence before I stood and told him goodnight. I went back to the house and layed down next to Mark. My love. My baby. My boyfriend.

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