That's what friends are for

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Jack's POV
We pulled into the drive way, Mark leading me inside.
M: Tom?
Tom came around the corner.
T: I outta slap the shit outta you.
Mark grabbed him and walked him into his bedroom, Leaving me in the kitchen. I was fixing myself some chocolate milk while they talked.

Mark's POV
M: Listen!
I whisper shouted.
M: I don't need your shit right now. I just had an incredible night with my boyfriend and you needa calm the fuck down. My friend Bob is on his way here rn bc he has no where else to go! Got it?
T: Yeah...Sorry I was a douche.
M: It's fine, Now, You get couch or you can go.
T: I actually planned on leaving today anyways, I'm out to see an old friend.
M: Okay, Love you bro.
T: Love you too. Good seeing ya.
M: Good seeing you too.
And with that he went to pack his things. I walked to the kitchen and Jack was sitting the counter, sipping on chocolate milk. I walked over to him and stood between his legs.
J: Sip?
M: Mhm.
He held his glass to my lips and I took a drink. I loved chocolate milk!
M: Thanks baby.
J: Your welcome!
I pulled him off the counter and carried him to the couch. We sat there and watched Netflix until we heard the doorbell.

Jack's POV
I watched as Mark stood and rushed to the door. He opened it and stood there in shock before pulling Bob into a hug.

Mark's POV
I opened the door and bob was standing there, his cheeks red from crying, his head hung low. He didn't have much luggage, just one bag. I pulled him into a hug and he started to cry again.
I rubbed his back and held him.
We have been friends since collage, I hate to see him like this.
M: It's okay, come on inside. Jack is here. We can all talk if ya want.
Bob simply nodded and followed me inside. Jack was up and waiting to hug Bob. Bob got 5 steps in the house and Jack hugged him.
J: You'll be alright Bob...
B: Th-thanks...

Bob's POV
The guys were being so kind to just let me in like that...That's why they are my best friends. I've known Mark longest but me and Jack are really close. We all sat at the table and I cleared my throat.
B: She told me...My job...Was stupid and I was never gonna be a success...She told me she rather be dead than be with a slob like me. She stormed out. Taking her shit. She is living with her mother, who texted me, "Sorry to hear about the breakup, Hope you get over it soon, I really liked you..."

Jack's POV
Bob got upset and couldn't talk anymore. Me and Mark sat with him and I had my hand on his shoulder while Mark had his hand on his back.
J: Hey, It'll be okay..
M: Yeah. Maybe not now...But it'll all turn out fine!
B: I don't know guys...
M: Oh, Bull! We are here for you to talk to! You got us!
J: Yeah man! You got us!
B: Thanks guys...I really needed this. Thank you, really.
J: It's not a problem Bobaroony.
M: Yeah, That's what friends are for.
B: God, I'm tired...Think I can crash for a bit?
M: Yeah, the spare is open, Go for it.
B: Thanks.
Bob stood and left the room, heading down the hall to his room.

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