Ending: Together Atlast

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Jack's POV
I have no idea who Henry was but he was deffinetly important to Mark. When Mark left Anti tried to talk to Dark but Dark just punched him. I ran to Anti and I kneeled beside him.
J: Leave him alone, Dark. He is just trying to help!
A: Don't hurt Jack, Please! 
I stood over Anti and tried to block his path. He slapped me and I fell to the floor. As soon as I hit the ground, I blacked out. When I woke up I was laying on the hard wood floor. Dried blood stuck to my nose and ran down my chin. Where is Anti!?
I stood up with a huge headache and grabbed the counter so I wouldn't fall.
J: M-Mark?
No one answered. Mark ran out. Anti is gone. Where is Dark? I turn around and see Dark coming down the stairs. He looks at me and smirks.
D: Good. Your awake.
J: Stay back!
D: What are you gonna do?
I grab a kitchen knife out of the sink and hold it towards him.
D: That's the same one Anti used to slit your throat...
J: S-Stay back!
Then someone came through the back door. Mark.

Mark's POV
I run in and see Jack holding out a knife. Dark's back is to me but I know he heard me come in.
D: Hello, Little brother.
M: Don't call me that.
D: What? You don't like me anymore? We used to hang out all the time and talk inside that little head of yours.
I take a step towards him. Jack looks at me with tears in his eyes. Dark hasn't even turned away from him yet. His back is still to me.
M: Don't talk about those times...
D: Why not?
M: I was young. Stupid. I should've never let you out...
D: Oh but you did.
I take another step. I'm so close. He turns around and faces me. He looks like...when we were kids. When we got along. When I came to him about my bullys...
D: Remember when we were kids...and that kid made fun of you? Teased you about Dad...About our parents getting a divorce...
M: Don't talk about that!
I raised my voice and felt tears in my eyes.
M: Those times are over! You are evil!

Jack's POV
Dark is trying to trick him...Mark knows it but he is getting upset. I can see the tears in his eyes.
J: M-Mark...Don't listen to him!
M: J-Jack...I'm sorry.
J: What!?
Mark ran at Dark and tackled him to the ground. Dark rolled and now Mark was on bottom. Dark started to strangle Mark and his face was turning red. I raised my knife and got ready to stab Dark but Anti ran in. He grabbed my arm and took the knife.
A: If Dark dies Mark dies!
J: B-But Dark is gonna kill him!
Dark didn't stop he just smiled at Mark. Mark was turning a darker red.
Dark immediantly let go and froze.
A: I love you. Amd if you kill him you die too. I can't go through another loss like...Like...Mad Cry...

Mark's POV
Dark let go and I started taking deep breaths and coughing. He was still ontop of me which made it kinda hard to breath but I was getting better. But did Anti say "Mad Cry". Cry has an alter!?
A: Please Dark...
Dark turned his head and looked at Anti. Dark has never cryed before. But I seen the water in his eyes. He stood and walked to Anti. He wrapped his arms around him and burried his face into his shoulder.

Dark's POV
I've never cryed...I've seen plenty of people cry while I killed them. I've seen Anti cry when I upset him. I've seen Mark cry about his bully's when we were 10 years old. I've seen plenty of people cry, but I've never done it. I felt water in my eyes. I got off of Mark and wrapped my arms around Anti. I felt wetness sliding down my cheeks.

Anti's POV
He got off of Mark and hugged me. I felt my T-shirt getting wet and Dark was sniffling.
Holy shit...Dark...THE DARKIPLIER is crying!!! WTF

Jack's POV
I got down on the floor by Mark and he leaned up to hug me. He was still kindof breathing funny but that's okay. He leaned back and I kissed him. The kiss lasted a long time and when we separated we breathed heavy. We pressed our foreheads together and smiled.

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I hope that this id an OK ending

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I hope that this id an OK ending. If not oh well :/ 
Hope you enjoyed!


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