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Jack's POV
He took me around his house, even tho I'd seen it all before, and we stopped in the recording room.
M: Let's make a video.
J: Of what?
M: A vlog! Just us ya know!
J: Okie!

M: Hello every-
M: JESUS! your so damn loud!
He laughed.
M: Anyways, God damn, We are live! It's a live vlog! How's it going Bros?
J: And yes, I am with Marky right now!
M: Don't call me that Infront of themmmmmm!!!!
J: Butttttttttt marrkkkkkkkkkk
We both laughed at out Septiplier joke.
J: So Mark! What are we doing today?
M: How bout cook? I'm good at cooking!
J: Oooo me too! Imma cook u food!

Mark's POV
Jack snatched the camera and ran out telling me to turn on the other camera and make a new live on that one.
M: Hello everybody, Right now, There are two lives goin on! On the other Jack is cooking food. On this one, I'm up in my room waiting for the food. Imma be the entertainment while he is being totally dumb and stupid and...Just kidding! He is lovely, None of those mean things!

*Jack's POV*
J: Okay so, Imma cook something good OR bad and he has to eat it no matter what! I'll make something good and be nice. It's not even really cooking, just a snack. Let's see what he got!
I set the camera up and went to the fridge. I pulled out whipped cream, strawberry's, blueberries, and blackberry's.
J: Okay, looks like fruit and cream!
I grabbed a plate and shook the whipped cream can. I put 3 strawberry's on the plate, a handful of blueberries, and a few blackberry's. I grabbed the camera, the plate, and the whipped cream can and headed upstairs.
M: Okay I did!
I opened the door and set the camera up to see his face. I shut off his camera and stepped back outside. I sprayed some whipped cream on a strawberry and ran back in.
J: Guess what Mark?
M: Hmm?
J: I made u a snack! Open wide!
M: Ahh
He opened his mouth and I wiped the whipped cream on his nose then shoved the strawberry in his mouth.
He opened his eyes and touched his nose. He looked at his fingers that were covered in white.
M: Oooo yum!
He licked his hand and i laughed my ass off.

Mark's POV
J: Good!
I started eating the fruits with Jack and we talked to the camera about why he was there (we didn't really say why we just said he was going through a breakup amd so was I and we needed bro time I mean...That's why...right?)
And when we ended it we both kinda chuckled awkwardly...
M: Soooo what now?
J: Well...Ummmm
M: Can I ask you something...
J: Yeah?
M: Why did you come?
J: I...I didn't want to go home and I thought of the only other home I have...and that's with you.
M: Oh. So you feel at home with me?
J: Yeah. I feel safe. Happy.
M: Well, I'm really glad you came. When you left I felt like... something was missing, Ya know?
J: Yeah. I missed you too.
We both smiled and I put my hands on his hips. He put his arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. God, I love him.
J: Ya know Mark...
M: Hmm?
J: I really like you.
M: Yeah...I really like you too.
J: So, you wanna be...together?
M: Boyfriends?
J: Yeah.
M: Yeah. I do.

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