Got my stuff back

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Mark's POV
Once we heard the door to his room close I looked over at Jack.
M: God, I feel terrible...
J: Yeah. But atleast now we can help him.
M: Mhm.
Jack was so helpful...That's one of the many things I love about him. He is caring and helpful. Also sweet and kind. Always there if you need him. Energetic. He walks into a room and you can't help but smile. I must've been thinking for s while because Jack was staring at me.
J: Mark? Hello?
M: Oh shit! Sorry babe, I was lost in thought I guess.
J: It's okay, just making sure your good.
He chuckled and my heart melted. He sounds so cute.
J: Hey, Imma record. You want to?
M: You don't have a setup.
J: I know, but we could just stream it on your live!
M: Okay! Whatcha wanna play?
He giggled under his breath...
Suspicious...he must have a plan!
He ran to the living room and when I got there Genital Jousting was set up.
M: Wow.
I said and giggled at his gay joke.
J: Yep! Perfect!
We sat down and started the live and played the game for about an hour and a half. Then we decided to answer questions in the live chat.
M: Okay! I'll read first!
J: I wanted to read first!!!
He put on his whiny voice and it was like the cutest thing ever!!
M: Fine you read!
J: Good!
Then he read out:
J: Septicsheep123 said "Mark, Put whipped cream on your face!"
M: Okay!

Jack's POV
He got up and ran off, coming back with a whipped cream mustache.
J: You look adorable.
M:Thanks sugar!
I slightly blushed at the nickname.
J: Your turn!
M: Hmm let's see...Septiplierfan:) said "Jaaack! Please put on yiur thickest Irish accent and make Mark blush! We've seen it be done before as he said 'It really makes him want to listen' "
J: Well, Ye know ta' ting about t'hat is, I jus' make 'em blush anyways! I'm jus too darn cute!
Mark was practicly drooling over me. Awww!!!!
M: I um...I'm not b-blushing!

Mark's POV
Jack giggled at me.
J: Whatever, SocksandSandals said "Jack and Mark should kiss"
M: Well, There are kids wa-
And then he did it...Wow. A post of lips came to mine and I immediately melted into the kiss. We kissed for a couple seconds then pulled back.
J: Done!
M: I was kidding about the whole kids watching thing, I was gonna do it anyway!
J: I know!
We laughed and we continued to read the comments, Ignoring the smutty ones. We did that for about another hour then Bob came downstairs. The live was still going so he put on a smile and sat down on the couch. We were in the floor, Jack was laying across my lap as a joke and Bob laughed at us.
B: Hey guys!
M: Heyyy
B: Not you, dumbass!
We all laughed and we put on Mario, THE GAME I HATE MOST, and we took turns playing. I got so fucking mad at that dumbass game.
Jack and Bob laughed as I stood up and stomped into the kitchen. I got out a bananan a started eating it.
J: Hey babe...
Jack's yelling at meeeee.
M: Yeah?
J: We can't play without a controller!
I looked down, The controller sat next to me on the counter. I ran back into the room where they were and handed it back.
M: Wooops, sworry!
I said with a mouth ful of banana as I sat back down with them. I gave the controller to Bob but he denied.
B: Imma head to the store, Buy stuffs.
J: Okay, Bye...
M: Be careful!
Bob headed out the door and now it was just me and Jack.
J: Well...I think that's all for this Live!
M: It's been fun!
Jack went really close to the microphone and as low as his voice could let him....
J: Highfives all around...
And he ended the live.
He sat on the ground and I was quickly ontop of him.
M: That was pretty Sexy...
J: Hmm...Think so?
M: Mhm...
I mumbled as I kissed his neck.
He lightly moaned when I bit down. I was about to remove his clothes and...DOORBELL.
M: fuckkkkk
J: ugh.

Jack's POV
Mark rolled off of me and went to the door.
M: Hello?
?: Hi!
M: Who are you?
And that's all I could hear. I got up and started to walk over but Mark rushed back in.
M: What does Evelien look like?
I open the door and yep...There she is.
E: Hey Jack, Felt bad for making you leave but I'm glad your happy now. I got a few boxes in my car full of your stuff.
J: Thanks...I guess.
I grabbed Mark's hand, pulling him outside with me.
E: Aw. How cute.
J: You hated Mark before, What changed?
E: Just seen hoe happy y'all are. It's cute.
M: Hmph...
I grabbed my boxes and bags and sure enough she brought me all my clothes, my recording stuff, everything I needed.
J: Thanks Ev.
E: No prob Jack. Well, Bye!
J: Are you moving here or something?
E: No, I got a plane here to give you your stuff, then going down to Oklahoma to see family.
J: K bye!
I closed the door in her face, Tired of talking to her and Mark had taken my boxes to a different room. I walked through the house and he was in his recording room. My boxes were in our room.
M: Hey babe. She leave?
J: Ugh yes. God I hate her, I mean, She brought my stuff back but she is such a bitch!
M: Yes, I agree.

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