Coming out

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Jack's POV
I blocked her number and changed my status on Twitter to single and I've been hanging around a cafe for hours. In 30 minutes I need to be at the airport. Alright, might as well head there.

~Time skip to the airport~
I was walking onto the plain and took my seat. I put in my earbuds and was listening to my music when I noticed a little girl glancing back at me. Aww. How cute. A fan. And she doesn't wanna inturupt me from my music. I took my earbuds out and looked at her. She flushed red and started to cry. I waved at her and she came rushing over.
J: Hello! What's your name?
C: Caroline...Hi!
She was balling.
J: You want a hug?
She nodded and I sat up so I could hug her. OMG SHE IS LIKE 6!  AWWWWW
C: It's so great to meet you...I've been a fan since the first happy wheels video! I really love you and your videos...
J: Aw. Well, Thank you so much for watching my videos!
C: Can I get a photo?
J: Of course!
She ran over to her parents and came back with a phone. She handed it to me and we took a couple selfies. Then I took some silly pictures of myself and we talked for about 30 minutes.
She went back to her family and I smiled to myself. KIDS ARE SO CUTE! And it's so cute that she's a fan...She said she was 7 and I started YouTube 3 years back. So she was 4 when she watched me. So cute! She is so tiny!!!!!!!!!!
I put my earbuds back in and fell asleep. When I woke up we were landing in LA. FINALLY. I got up and waved goodbye to Caroline one last time and left. I got on the plane at 6:30 pm and got off at 11 pm since time was fucked up here. Now, I got to get a cab and head to Mark's, Which is only an hour away from this airport.

~time skip to Mark's house~
I stayed on the side walk outside of Mark's and took out my phone.

Mark's POV
Why is Jack calling right now, it's late for him...
M: Hey man!
J: Let's play a game.
M: What?
J: Walk outside.
M: Why?
J: I got a game to play but you gotta be outside. Call me back when you are out of your house.
M: Okaaaay........?

Jack's POV
I hung up and waited. The door opened and he looked up from his phone. His jaw dropped and he stared at me.
M: No...fucking...way.....
I ran toward him and jumped into his arms. He hugged me back and laughed.
M: There's no way!
J: Yes there is! I'm here!
He pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes. A smile grew across his face as he looked at me. I stared back into his chocolate brown eyes and I felt my heart melt. He pulled me into another hug and I smiled at his actions.
M: Do you have any stuff with you?
J: No...I came straight here. Met this adorable little girl on the plane. She was 7 and SOOO cute.
M: Awww. But seriously Jack, You are never leaving! Okay?
I felt butterflies in my stomach...I get to be with Mark always now. Perfect...I always had feelings for him but he doesn't know that I'm bi.

Mark's POV
God, I'm so happy I dumped Amy last night at the same time Jack got out of his relationship. Perfect! Now we are both single and he will live with me...But he doesn't know I like guys. But he is the one guy I REALLY like.

Jack's POV
J: Yeah, I'll never leave!
He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.
J: Wait...What about Amy! 
M: Check my Twitter.
J: Okay...
I pull out my phone and go to his account.
~ Markiplier~
Mark Edward Fishbach
Age: 29     
Relationship Status: Single
J: Oh my gosh! What happened?

Mark's POV
I'm gonna tell him now...I'm gonna tell him...I'm gonna...
M: I left her. Told her I was gay. Just didn't like girls no more.

Jack's POV
My heart froze. HIM!? HE IS GAY?! OH MY GAWD!
J: Oh, Well, Im sorry you had to break it off with her. Oh, and I'm totally cool with you by the way.
M: Well, I'm not sorry. I'm glad I told her. And thanks man.
J: Ya know...I...
M: You are too? I know.
J: What? How!?
M: Because...
He grabbed my hips and kissed me. I kissed back immediately and he pulled away.
M: Because, you didn't stop me from doing that.
J: we do that again?
I blushed bright red. He kissed me again and it was way more passionate. I felt his tongue touch my bottom lip. I parted my lips and his tongue explored every inch of my mouth. I pulled back for air and smiled at him.
J: Your a good kisser...
M: You are too Jacky.

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