New place

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Mark's POV
M: So, I was thinking, Since we don't really have a room for your recording stuff maybe we could... move?
J: You'd do that...For me?
M: Of course! I mean, it's not that big of a loss! This was me and Amy's house...Now me and you need a place. To have forever. Just ours.

Jack's POV
I love the ay he says forever...Me and him...Forever. I love to think about that!
J: Yeah...I...Thank you!
I ran to him and hugged him. He hugged back snd I snuggled into his neck.

Mark's POV
M: Guess we should tell Bob...
J: Is Bob gonna stay with us at our new place?
M: Well not if you don't want him to.
J: No, I was just asking because I was wandering, I love Bob! He is my second best friend!
B: Ouch, Man.
Bob chuckled from behind us.
J: What!? Mark is my first!
B: I know I know! So...Y'all moving?
J: NO!
M: We. Are moving.
B: Oh thank you!
Bob hugged us and left, probably to pack his stuff.
J: Wait, Where would we move to?
M: I know just the place! 
I pull out my phone, going on a website. I click on a beautiful lake house. It's in our price range, surprisingly!
J: Woah...
M: Like it?
J: It's perfect! Office, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, living room, kitchen, lake view, HOT TUB!?
I chuckled at his excitement.
M: Yeah!! A HOT TUB!
J: Hm...Sex in a hot tub...?
M: Deffinetly!
We both giggled and shared a kiss.

~time skip, 2 weeks later~
Jack's POV
We are all packed up, Moving into the new place. We went to see it, scope it out, It's beautiful. Perfect. Mark is gonna take the office as his recording studio, I'm taking a bedroom that we will turn into my studio, Bob will have a room for whatever and me and Mark will share a room. PERFECT! We were headed out the door of our now pretty much empty house...Mark leaned on the door frame and looked around the inside.

Mark's POV
God I'm gonna miss this place...
M: Buh-Bye....
I grabbed Jack's hand, who waited for me, and headed to the car. We got in, Bob in the back snd me and Jack up front. We followed the moving van to out new place.

(Picture at top is the new house)
(Just one i found on Google lol)

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