Coming out to the fans

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Mark's POV
Jack has been living with me for a week. We are actually dating now and we are about to tell our fans. In 39 minutes we are starting a live stream and explaining to people that we are together now.

Jack's POV
Well...I'm really nervous about telling the fans but Mark wants to so why not just do it. He means everything to me and i would do anything for him. I really do love hin with all my heart amd now that we are actually dating I've been staying with him for a week. He doesn't want me to leave and i don't want to leave either. He had a spare room but i sleep in his with him. I don't have a recording room so I just been making vlogs and update videos. And now, in 20 minutes we are gonna tell that subscribers about us.

Mark's POV
M: Jacky! You ready?
J: Yeah babe, I'm just getting a drink. Want something?
M: Pepsi please!
J: Alrighty!
I went down the hallway and into the recording room but I had to wait for him to come back.
J: There you are!
M: sorry i had to piss.
J: Well, here's your drink!
He handed me a drink and I pulled up my extra chair and sat down with him.
J: Alright...let's do this.
M: Okay...
I clicked on the camera and started it off.
M: Hello name is Markiplier. I'm here with Jacksepticeye and we have some news.
J: Hello everybody! My name is Jacksepticeye and im here with Markiplier and our new is...
I reached down and held Mark's hand.
J: Septiplier is real!
M: Yep! This isn't a joke or anything, we are actually dating.
J: yep! And im so happy to be able to tell you guys, and i think Marky is too.
M: Well, that's all the news but if some of y'all think this is a joke....
I grabbed Jack and kissed him.
M: It's not!
Then I clicked off the camera.
J: Okay...Now lets see the responses...

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