The date

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That song is just a song in thid story so...
Jack's POV
We were headed out the door and on the way to dinner. Mark walked over to the passenger side and opened my dooor.
J: Aww what a gentleman!
We both giggled and he went and got in the car on his side.
M: So, got a place in mind?
J: No! I've only been here like twice!
M: Well, you want fast food, sushi, somewhere really nice, or a picnic food truck thing?
J: Sushi?
M: Sure!
We started driving and about five minutes into the drive our favorite song came on. We both looked at each other at the same time and nodded. I took the first verse. 
J: MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN, WALKING FAST, FACES PASS AND IM HOME BOUND! Doo Doo la Doo Doo Doo do.  Do do do Doo Doo la Doo do doo do.
M: Staring blankly ahead, just making my way, making my way through the crowd! Doo Doo la Doo Doo Doo do.  Do do do Doo Doo la Doo do doo do!
~time skip to restaurant~

Mark's Pov
I hope jack likes this place...
M: Alright, here we are.
I jumped out of the car and ran around to open Jack's door.
J: Thanks for taking me out, Marky.
M: Oh, you don't need to thank me.
He put a hand on the side of my face and kissed me. Not a long kiss, just a short one to show his appreciation. We walked into the sushi place and we ordered Sashimi and Tempura rolls to share. After we ate we went out to the car amd i drove in the opposite direction of home.
J: Babe, where are we headed?
M: a hotel
J: Oh...

Jack's POV
Oh...he doesn't want me staying with him while his brother is there...
He must have noticed my expression change because he said this...
M: What? I can't make you scream when my brother is home.
OH! that's what the hotel is for... he does want me to stay!
My face was bright red since he said that. He placed his hand on my inner thigh and i immediantly felt my self get hard. OH GOD. His hand is almost ontop of my dick and if it grows it's gonna touch his hand and he will notice! AHH. Shit, I can't stop it!! I felt it hit his hand and i immediantly tensed up.

Mark's POV
I put my hand on Jack's thigh and i felt something move and bump my hand. Woah...I got him hard!
I moved my hand over it and started palming him through his jeans. He inhaled sharply and i felt him get harder.
M: Now baby, You gotta wait for the rest until we get to the room.
He let out a whiny type sound but didn't disagree. Seeing him like this was really turning me on.

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