Hotel Room; 16A

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Mark's POV
When we pulled up to the hotel we both jumped out and rushed to the door.
Office lady: Hello, How many nights would you like to stay?
M: Um... 1 please.
She looked up at us and made a face.
Office Lady: Okay,'ll be 25 dollars. Room 16A.
M: Here ya go.
Office Lady: Enjoy your stay...
We started to walk off but she stopped us.
Lady: Sir, Can I ask your name.
M: My name is Mark.
Lady: Do chance...happen to have a YouTube channel?
M: Oh um yeah...
Lady: Markiplier, right?
M: Yep.
Lady: My son watches you...Mind if I get a photo?
M: No problem...Hold on Jack.
Lady: Wait, Jack? Sean?
J: Yes my real name is Sean.
M: Oh my son watches you also! Join us in the photo!
J: Okay..
(Time skip to room 16A)

Jack's POV
As soon as the door closed behind us Mark's lips came crashing down on mine. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He layed me down on the bed and stood to take his clothes off. I took my shirt off but he stopped me before I could get to my jeans. He kissed just above my belly button, on my abs. Then moved down. He ran his finger down my happ trail and stopped at my waist band. He slowly pulled my jeans down and stopped at my boxers, for me and him had never seen each others dicks and had no idea how big they were. He stared at the large bulge in my boxers for a second then licked his lips. He started taking off his jeans to reveal his large boner covered by thin material.

Mark's POV
Wow...Jack is really big. I can't wait to have all that in my mouth. Mmmm...I cat wait to taste his bittersweet cum.
I pulled him up and got on my knees. I pulled his boxers down with my teeth and his fully erect penis sprung out. I licked my hand and wrapped my fingers around him. I lightly licked his tip amd swirled my tongue around the sensitive part. Then I took his whole length in my mouth. I deep throated him and bobbed my head up and down.
I almost choked but I managed not to. I let go and stopped moving he knew what I was meaning for so he started thrusting down my throat. His dick would hit the back of my throat and slide down then out again and repeat. I stopped him from fucking my mouth anymore and I sucked really hard. I pulled off with a loud pop sound and a string of saliva strung between my bottom lip and his tip. I started jerking him off and I rubbed my thumb over his slit.
J: O-oh Mark!
M: You close?
J: S-so cl- OOOOH
I reached around and grabbed his ass cheek, cutting him off mid-sentence. I took him in my mouth again and he thrusted a few more times then he stayed at the back of my throat and shot cum into me, almost gagging me again. He pulled out and I pushed him to the bed.
M: You Ready, baby?
J: Mhm!
He gripped the sheets and waited for the feeling of Mark inside of him.

Jack's POV
God, I wish I came out to him sooner...I liked him for a while...If only we did this earlier.
My thoughts were inturupted by a feeling of something large pressing against my whole. He slowly pushed into me and it hurt like a bitch.
M: It'll feel better. Just wait...
He pushed into my ass a lot further and WOW it hurt! It was so painful. He stopped moving and waited for me to tell him when to move.
J: Okay...Now...
He thrust slowly and at first it kinda hurt then it was pure pleasure.
J: Oh Marky! oh Mark! Mark!!
His thrusts became faster and soon enough he was going so hard my body pushed forward everytime he slammed into me.
M: I- I'm...So close...oh fuck! Your so tight!
J: Ugh. Oh. Oh. Mark! O-oh!
After one more hard thrust he hit a ball of nerves and I screamed.
He stopped me and pushed there again.
J: Ohhhhhhhhh
He kept hitting that spot until there was a warm sensation in my ass. He came inside me.

Mark's POV
I filled him up to the brim and pulled out. I fell beside him on the bed and panted.
J: Your...good a-a-at this...
M: You too Jacky...
We layed there and he cuddled into my chest and fell asleep. After a few minutes his soft snores lulled me to sleep.

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