Getting Settled in

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Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been busy but here ya go!

Mark's POV
As we pulled into the drive way of the new place I seen Jack's face light up.
J: Woah...It's so beautiful!
B: Yeah. It really is.
We parked the car and ran towards the house. Though we had already been here, looked around, we ran around through it again. The bedroom me and Jack took had a big queen-size bed and two closets. Jack flopped on the bed and sighed. I flopped down next to him and stared at the ceiling.
J: I'm so glad we made this decision...
M: Me too, baby. Me too.

Bob's POV
Mark and Jack are in their room, The first room on the right, and I took my room, the second room on the left. God, this place is nice. I'm so glad they are letting me stay! I sat on the edge of my bed and looked down at my phone. My home screen is a picture of me and Mandy. I changed it to a photo of me, Mark, and Wade. I smiled at the image. I'm so glad to have friends like them...

Jack's POV
Wow. I'm laying in bed with the love of my life in our own house. A house we bought. A house we would share. Forever. I rolled out of bed and headed for the door.
M: Noooo
J: We need to bring our boxes and stuff in!
M: Oh yeah!
He jumped out of bed and followed me.
He yelled through the house.
I heard Bob laugh then footsteps. We exited and Bob followed shortly behind us. I opened the car door and pulled out a few boxes. Mark grabbed his bags and Bob had his box. After we got all our stuff set up we were exhausted. I curled up on the sofa and started to drift to sleep.

Mark's POV
I finished helping Bob and walked into the living room. Jack was curled up on the couch, snoring softly. How cute... I walk over to him and scoop him up. As I carry him to the room he instinctively wraps his arms around my neck, even though he is still sleeping. I lay him down then join him in bed. His soft snores soothe me to sleep as I hold him to my chest.
M: Night baby...
J: Wov you...
Aww. He sounds like a little kid...
M: Love you too...

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