Bob's on his way

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Mark's POV
Before I could roll out of bed to go down to the lobby and get coffee and call Bob, Jack rolled over and looked at me with his black hair hanging over his beautiful ocean blue eyes.
J: Hey Markimoo
M: Hey Jackaboy, How'd you sleep?
J: I slept really well, And you?
M: Just fine. Listen, Bob said he needs to talk to me so I'll go down to the lobby, bring back some coffee and I'm gonna call him.
J: Okie
I leaned down and kissed his forehead before throwing on some pj pants and a hoody to leave.

Jack's POV
He walked out the door and I rolled out of bed. I walked into the bathroom to take a piss.
Wow...Last night was great...
Oh shit! I should be recording right now!
I pull out my phone which the camera quality isn't perfect but it'll do.
WAPSH! Top o' ta mornin to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to another Vlog! Um just saying i won't be posting a let's-play today and I hope y'all can understand I got some other things to do and arrands to run today. Um, That's rlly it. Just didn't want my fans to worry! Love you guys!
I ended the vlog and uploaded the video. Just as I did Marky walked back in the room.
M: Here's your coffee Sean!
J: Thanks Marky!
I take the coffee and kiss his cheek.
M: Well I'm gonna walk out to the pool area, I'm gonna call Bob.
J: Okay, I hope everything is alright with him.
M: Yeah, me too.

Mark's POV
*Phone call with Bob*
M: Hey, Sorry I couldn't answer last night I was a little...Busy...
B: It's fine, Mark.
M: Everything okay?
B: Not really...Mandy...she...she...
He started crying into the phone.
M: Hey it's okay. Do you needa come hang with me?
B: She kicked me out Mark! I had a hotel last night but...she left me.
I planned on marrying her!
M: Bob...I'm so sorry. Come down here, You can stay with me.
B: Thanks...Thank you so much.
M: Anything for a friend. Hurry up and come on down to my place.
B: Okay...See you later.
M: Okay BUH-BYE.
*Calls Jack*
J: Mark why are you calling? We are at the same hotel!
M: Get our stuff. Hurry.
J: Everything okay?
M: I'll explain later, Come on. I'm giving the lady our room keys and starting the car.

Jack's POV
Wow...Something must be urgent with Bob!
I grabbed Mark's suit and stuff and my stuff and ran out to the lobby. I yelled to the lady as I ran past.
J: Thanks for the stay! It was nice!
I couldn't hear her reply j just kept running. I was out the door and to the car. I threw everything in and Mark started driving.
M: Bob got kicked out...Mandy left him. He is coming hear, We gotta get back to my place.
J: Aw...Poor Bob. Did he say what happened?
M: No, He got upset and he needs a place to go, I offered our place.
He said our as in me and his...Woah!
J: Oh okay. That's fine. I'm glad we can help him I just feel terrible, he really liked her.
M: I know! Bob is such a nice guy, Why would she leave him?
J: Maybe they got in a fight. Over money or sum.
M: Yeah. Probably.
Mark placed his hand on my thigh, just for comfort.
J: I love you baby...
M: I love you too. 

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