Getting ready to leave

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Smut warning
Mark's POV
When I woke up Jack was sitting on me. Legs on either side of my thighs.
M: Well hello there.
J: Hey baby.
M: Good morning
J: Morning hotness
He leaned down and kissed my neck. I leaned my head back to give him more room. He started leaving hickeys all over my neck. How will I hide that from the guys? He continued and took his shirt off. He trailed down to my waistband and bit his lip while looking up at me. The tent in my shorts grew as he hovered over it. He pulled my boxers down with his teeth. He wrapped his fingers around my base and started to pump. He licked his lips and places them around my tip. He sucked on the sensitive part for a second them took me in his mouth completely. After a while of this he climbed ontop of me. He positioned himself and I gripped his curvy hips. He lowered himself into me and winced at the pain. He pressed down all the way and stayed there for a second, adjusting. After a minute he started to move up and down. Slowly, but I knew it took a minute to stop hurting completely. His mouth fell slightly open and his eyes were squinted shut. He started bouncing faster and faster on my dick and pumped himself while he rode me. After a few minutes we switched positions. He was on his hands and knees and I was behind him. I pressed I to him and started thrusting. His trembling body was bouncing as I moved inside him. I hit the ball of nerves and he pressed his face into the pillow to keep from being loud. Over and over I pressed into that spot. He came all over the bed under him and just seconds after I came in his ass. I pulled out and layed next to him. His breathing was heavy and he was taking short breaths.
M: You good?
J: Feel great...To have again.
He spoke inbetween breaths.
M: Good. Glad you like it.
I giggled and he fell asleep. I stood and threw on some boxers and sweats. I went down to my recording room and made a getting over it video. God, I had no idea how fucking hard it was. I ended up throwing my chair across the room. I edited and posted the video then went down to the living room. Ethan and Tyler had their things packed and we're getting ready to leave. Felix was sitting at the kitchen table with coffee in hand. Wade was sitting on the couch in his phone with his bag at his side. And Bob was no where to be seen.
M: Hey guys. Where is Bob?
F: Haven't seen him since last night.
W: He is probably still asleep.
M: I'm gonna go check on him...

Bob's POV
I'm sitting in my room with my phone out. I'm listening to music and there's a knock at my door.
B: Who is it!
M: Mark.
B:Come in.
M: Hey! Come downstairs, the guys are about to leave.
B: Oh, Okay.
I got up and followed him down stairs.
E: Hey Bob!
B: Hey guys.
T: Um where is Jack?
M: Uh...Asleep. I'll go get him...

Mark's POV
I rush up to me and Jack's room and open the door. When I turn I see Jack sprawled out on his stomach.
M: Baby?
J: Mhh?
M: Can you walk?
He scoffed at me.
J: You think that after you just pounded my ass, That I can walk?
I giggled at the way he said that.
M: Well...The guys are leaving.
J: Oh...
M: I have a plan!
I help Jack up and put an arm around him to help him walk.
Once we are to the kitchen everyone looks worried.
T: Um is he okay?
B: What happened?
F: Oo I think I know what happened!
W: Damn. You good Jack?

Jack's POV
Mark tried to set me down on the couch but DAMN it hurt like a mother fucker! He realized but I shook my head and sat the rest of the way. It hurt so bad but I held back the tears.

Felix's POV
Oooo I bet they fucked! Mark must have crushed his ass! Wow!
F: So, how was last night?
M: Shut up Felix.
E: OMG did y'all -
J: My legs are sore from swimming.
W: Mhmm
B: Sureeee
F: Yeah "swimming"
T: Maybe they were DOGGIE paddling!
Everyone laughed at his doggy style joke.
M: When do y'all gotta be at the airport?
E: 11:00
F: Oh shit! It's 10:30!

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