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Mark's POV
Felix does that bro hug thing and leaves. Tyler hugs me and Pat's my back. Wade gives me a fist bump and walks out. Then I look at Ethan. He has tears in his eyes. He runs at me and hugs me.
E: Bye Mark...
M: We live in the same town Ethan...
E: I know, but I'm going on that trip for a month!
M: Oh I forgot...
Damn, I hate it when Ethan leaves. He is like a little kid and when he is sad it's so hard not to be sad with him. Fuck, now I don't want him to go.
M: Hey...It'll be okay, We can text and call!
E: Every day?
M: Every day.
He smiled and let go of me. He looked at me and a single tear rolled down his cheek. He turned and walked out the door.
Everyone was gone. Now it's just me, Jack, and bob.

Jack's POV
J: It really sucks seeing Ethan cry.
M: Yeah I know.
B: He's like a little kid!
J: It's really sad...I almost let a tear fall!
M: It's okay though, he'll call.
B: Yeah. Every day.
We all laughed and i looked up at Mark.
J: Marrrkkkkk.
M: Yes, babe?
J: My um...legs...hurt still.
M: Yeah, they'll probably hurt for a while.
J: Take me to our roooooom.
I giggled and he picked me up.
J: Fuck, I gotta make a video.
M: I'll make one. It's fine.
J: Thanks Marky Mark.
M: No problem Baby Boy.
He layed me down on the bed and I snuggled into the fuzzy blanket.

Mark's POV
I kissed Jack's forehead and went back to the recording room. I start a video with a terrible impression.
M: TOP OF THE MORNING TO YOU LADDIES! WHEELY BINS ARE TRASH CANS! UM...LUCKY CHARMS! UM...WAPSH! Okay, anyways. Jack isn't feeling well so i think I'll make a video for him today! So hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today I'm playing happy wheels! First let's play ..Hmmm...This Spike fall. What's Jack call this guy? Spike fall Steve?
~time skip~
I edit the video and click post. Good enough I guess. That took about an hour and a half. I walk out of the studio and grab my car keys.
M: Going out.
B: Get me a drink?
M: Whatcha want?
B: Uh...Pepsi!
M: Ight.
I walk to the car and get in. To the gas station!
~time skip~
I pull up to to the gas pump and get out. When I walk in the store the register person recognised me.
M: What?
?: Mark!?
M: Yeah, Hi!
I always love meeting fans.
?: I'm a huge fan! 
M: Well it's nice to meet you!
?: Can I get a photo?
M: Of course!
They come out from behind the counter and over to me. They pull out their phone and we take a few selfies. They give me a hug and go back to their job while I grab me a water and Jack a Coke zero sugar orange vanilla. Then I get Bob's Pepsi.  I go to pay but my fan tells me not to worry about it.
M: Hey, I can't let you do that. I can pay for it, it's fine.
?: No, please, let me. It would be an honor.
M: Are you sure, I don't wanna-
?: Mark, You have gotten me out of depression, suicide, and self harm. I would do anything for you and I live for you. I wake up in the mornings to see your videos. Thank you for being there.
M: That's so amazing to know that I do that kind of thing and help you. Thank you so much for being a fan. What's your name? 
H: Henry.
M: Well, Henry. It was so great to meet you and whenever you feel down, know you can go to me.
I pull out a piece of paper and write down my number. I hand it to him and he starts to tear up.
H: Thank you so much, Mark.
M: No, thank you.
I walk out and get in my car. Wow...I do that for people? I...save people? Me? I'm just a guy who makes videos...and I get them through that? Yep, I'm never quiting YouTube.

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