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Yo, peeps! I'm still kicking!😎 It's been a long time since I posted anything new. Dunno if you guys will still be reading this but if you do, Welcome to my beloved old readers!❤️ And if you're new, Welcome!❤️

WARNING: It's a mpreg (male pregnancy) fic. Proceed if only it's your cup of tea. There won't be any explicit childbirth or anything (because I'm kinda scared of preggy bellies😒) but still, stay out if the idea discomforts you.

REMINDER: It's set up in an Alternate Universe. All the incidents depicted here are made up, even when some characters are real people.

CREDITS: The photo manip on the cover of the story is NOT MINE. The logo was too small for me to scan and find the creator. But I think it's from weibo. All the credit for it goes to the creator. I just added the titles.

Now, about this story- this would not have happened in the first place without SabyyaButt, my beloved Butty. One evening, we were fangirling over this new ship we have boarded (YiZhan/WangXiao/BJYX) and she was whining about a mreg fic on this pairing. My benevolent soul took pity on her and decided to give her a scenario over the chat. Just to munch on, nothing else. But once we started our inner Shakespears burst out and one after the other the idea piled up. By the end I was so pumped up and slick with butter (thanks to Butty) that I resolved to make it into a full fledged story. And we started to collab.

This story is the brainchild of us two. If it sucks, neither of us will take any responsibility and just play dead.😎 If it rocks then we both will take credit.😎 We constantly discuss ideas, chapters, the course of the plot etc etc. She reads the chapters and picks out the mistakes, gives me notes which helps a lot! I never do collabs but honestly, I'm having so much fun while doing this!

Also, it is my gift to my annoying Little Apple, my Wifu, SabyyaButt.😘 She is my personal bottle of helium. A patch of sunbeam that sometimes scorches, sometimes warms me up.😘

Thank you to my another bestie- MayallsObject for suggesting the name Xīng (Star). She is my sounding board, my confidante, and someone that tolerates me when I am being beyond intolerable!❤️

Also, if any of you want to connect for anything, text me at abbiebuttonbee on Insta.

Hope you enjoy the read!


For new readers- 

The Italicized parts are inner thoughts.

The "Italicized quoted" parts are flashbacks and phone conversations. It will be clear while reading.

And there will be multiple narratives with intervals between each of them.





"You jammed the kitchen sink again?!"




"How many times do I have to tell you before you stop throwing food down the sink?"

"How many times it takes."

"Come and clean it."

"Stop yelling from there."

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