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Yo! Did ya miss me?😎

Sorry for the late update, potatoes. But I did tell you, didn't I? Hope all of you guys are doing all right.😘 The night before the last I ate two big bowls of ice cream at 3am👀 and yesterday woke up with sore throat, runny nose and a throbbing head which are still there.👀 What? I love ice creams. They make my mood happy.😖

I apologize for not replying to the comments as I had been sick most of the week and still under the weather. But I read all of them and ugly sob in happiness. I'm such a sap.😭

Thank you for all your votes, darlings. They are the lil touches of love. Also, the story is nearing 50k read counts! Yay!😘💕



"A lesbian? She's a lesbian?" Talu exclaimed disbelievingly. "What's this, some kind of gay alternate universe where I'm the only one straight?" He threw his hands up in frustration.

"What a horror to be straight and a minority, yeah?" Zhan rolled his eyes as he scrolled through the news of Yiling's showcase last night. Talu had raided his house early in the morning, half asleep, grumbling and then proceeded to grill Zhan of everything that had happened since then.

"Well, duh! Straight privilege," he remarked while chomping on a cucumber. "But boy oh boy, your baby daddy pulled some real stunts there. Never thought that brat had a single subtle bone in him. Nice. I mean do you remember the way he used to woo you back in the days?" He cackled at the memory and a smile bloomed across Zhan's face as well.

YiBo was so obvious in his attempts back then, wearing his heart in sleeves. Anyone that looked at him would have known what he was trying to do. His friend was right, YiBo and subtlety did not belong together.

Or it used to be that way.

"But scared the daylights outta me when he showed up like some pissed off ex! The hell was he thinking? The fu-"

Zhan whirled at Talu so fast that his head spun. But Talu had already realized and rolled his tongue to reverse the mistake.

"...fuuhh-loof'! What the floof!"

Xing, who was sitting on the floor like a very small house pet, raised his head like a baby bird. "Phoof!"

"XingXing," Zhan sounded like every bit of a tired parent while Talu said, "Damn! That li'l professional eavesdropper." Then he looked at Zhan, "You sure he's not employed by that dad of his to snoop on me?"

Rubbing the bridge of his nose Zhan went back to his articles again. He was not efficient enough to handle both Xing and Talu at the same time.

Meanwhile, Xing toddled to where Talu was sitting. "Lulu. Lulu? Up up up, Lulu!" He extended his arms to his uncle.

"What?" Talu pretended to frown at him, "What does your demanding bumbum wants from me now?"

When he saw his order was not met immediately, Xing started to wave his tiny limbs frantically till he was picked up. "Dagon," he declared as soon as he was settled cosily on Talu's lap.

"Do I look like a dragon breeder or something?" He asked at a very determined looking toddler, who nodded decisively, "Dagon."

Completely tuning out the playful blabbering, Zhan now went to an online fashion forum to see how the common people were reacting. Scrolling through a few positive posts, however, he choked to a stop.

"Hey, Talu," he called without taking his eyes off his laptop screen.

"Yeah?" His friend replied absently while tying two ponytails on Xing's head.

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