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Yo, update time!😎

It's 4:23am and I've just finished reading over the chapter. Deadbeat tired. It's another 8K+!! So, please, forgive any typos.😵

To EVERYONE that comments, I hope you know by now just how much I love you! I appreciate your efforts of taking the time to share your thoughts! (God, I sound so serious and formal.🤢 Well, I can barely keep my eyes open). Oh well, I guess if I can whip out thousands of words, ya can spare a few as well, freeloading teabags.😑

Waving at all those who have tapped the star in the last chapter! Because votes are the lil touches of love.👋💋

About the chapter? Hm. Hmmm. Hmmmmm.😎

Off ya go!



Managing a new launch, a toddler and the problems between him and YiBo, Zhan was on the verge of losing his mind. He needed to deal with all but couldn't focus on either. And to make things worse, the guilt was back. He was mortified knowing that it was actually him that had sparked the hopes in YiBo.

During a panic attack or a meltdown all rational faculties were usually blocked and the insecurities and vulnerabilities were heightened up to the extreme. Things spoken at such times were often garbled gibberish, not much of sense but.........they were often the things the person believed whole heartedly.

Zhan honestly had no recollection of the things he said the day he had a meltdown at YiBo's place and now knowing what he had said made him want to dig a hole and die. The shock he felt when YiBo told him was abject. This was one of the reasons he wanted to be left alone when having such episodes. He would babble out all his secrets and they wouldn't even be lies.

Because what he said was nothing but the absolute truth. He never stopped loving YiBo. But what YiBo didn't seem to understand was that loving someone did not guarantee a healthy and peaceful relationship. The years they had spent together as a couple would vouch for that. While Zhan did want their family to be whole again, he knew things would go downhill once more if they did not resolve their issues before even considering a relationship. And they were nowhere near resolving them. In fact, there seemed to be a new problem every week now.

The current issue was, YiBo was not talking to him and he did not know how to approach him. YiBo called Xing regularly, multiple times if he had the time but there was no interaction between the adults. He only hoped this box, the one he was staring at right now, would act like an ice breaker.

It was a gift box that held the scarf Zhan had designed especially for YiBo.

The moment YiBo had asked, with those damned hopefully eyes, Zhan knew he would design him one because he was a sappy loser like that. But what happened in the past few days, he was not sure how it would look sending it.

Oh, hell with it. As if there was ever a question of him not sending it. Scoffing at his own self, Zhan wrapped it up with utmost care, thought of writing a note, then thought against it. He just hoped it melted the current stalemate between them.

Finishing up he requested Xuan to see it was delivered to YiBo and hoped, hoped, he could now concentrate to his work at hand.


YiBo received the gift the evening before he would be flying to Shanghai for his motorcycle racing championship. Swiping his hand tenderly over the elegantly wrapped box he knew this was personally prepared by Zhan himself.

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