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Update time!!!😎

But are you guys all right? How's the Corona situation in your country? Stay indoors as much as possible and take every precaution you can manage. Eat healthy. Don't give in to panic.❤️

Thank you so much for those who have voted and left comments. You guys are the motivation I need for keep writing! Love ya, babes!😘💕

The photo manip used in the chapter is not mine and belongs to the rightful owner.

Hope you enjoy the read!



A glossy black car came to a stop at the parking lot. Within the privacy of the dark, tinted windows, the driver sat frozen, hands still on the steer, gazing towards the non descriptive building that stood at distance.

Xiao Zhan had never thought he would be back here ever again.

It was quite funny how time changed the perspective of things so drastically. What used to be the warmest, safest place in the entire world for him, the sight of it today only succeeded in filling him with dread. He had tried so hard to leave this place behind. Even when he did it physically, he never could do it emotionally. Even after having built a home of his own, a tight family unit of his own, this apartment, those two rooms with a patch of balcony still remained with him as a 'never to achieve yet forever to crave' Utopian land.

Their spot.

The beginning of them.

Also, the end.

To be honest, his shock was deep when YiBo had told him to meet here. After what happened between them, Zhan had thought YiBo would probably erase this place from his mind. But apparently, he was wrong.

But was he expected to actually go up? Or wait where he was now? They didn't talk or communicate one way or other after the brief exchange this afternoon and Zhan had no clue as to what he should do. After dithering between calling Xuan and just waiting out in the car, he got out.

One swipe of the surrounding told him there was no trace of his ex boyfriend. He checked the time- quarter to seven. Due to his agitation he was unable to sit still at home and had come earlier. Would this come off as him eagerly anticipating the meeting if YiBo knew he was this early? Biting the corner of his lip, he again looked at the building. Maybe....maybe he should go up, after all. Maybe that would take his mind off the anxious restlessness he was experiencing currently.

He was pretty sure YiBo had meant the place and not the building itself. This was on the outskirts of the city, less chance for his famous ex to confront any media hound or fans; also a common place they both were well acquainted with. A convenient meeting point indeed.

And though he had convinced himself he would never want to go back down this particular memory look would not hurt, would it? He'd go and just......

And just what? Stare at the door to their flat? Where nothing of them was left anymore? Just how pathetic was he? He kept on breaking his own record. However, he knew he wouldn't rest well if he let go of this one, and probably only, chance.

Looking around once more, Zhan began walking towards the building.


The cherry wood door was the same.

Logically, nothing much should change in three years, but in Zhan's mind, somehow, the gap felt like that of thirty years. It felt bizarre that something that was a part and parcel of the life he used to live remained the same while he had changed so much.

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