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I forgot today was Saturday and almost missed updating!😭

You know, when I write something deep and meaningful, I always hope for it to help at least one person in some way. So you might guess how ecstatic I feel when some of you tell me that this story is helping you on a personal level, that you feel represented, connected, that it is helping you to deal with your own fears. I don't have the ability to express the joy it gives me. For someone who battles with crippling depression, it gives me a purpose to go on.💜

I have been asked why do I ask for comments rather than votes or reads. Don't get me wrong, the votes and read counts do matter a lot as they are the signs that people are reading and liking my story, but to me hearing your thoughts, knowing your emotions about the characters, the plot is more important than the numbers. They make me feel connected. And having a different perspective helps a great deal.🌼

Also know that I have THE BEST READER BASE in the whole world!😍 What more can I ask for? Thank you, my lovelies, for giving me motivation.❤️

But I'm kinda concerned about the amount of snots and tears this story has gathered.😌 Oh well....🤷

Lil info for those who don't know, our baby BoBo is a couple of inches shorter than his gege.😌 (See the pic)

About this chapter........hmm.😏

Off ya go!



"The producer has personally asked me to request you. I didn't give any confirmation. Told him I'd have to talk to you first." Vanessa said.

They were on face-time and she had just asked YiBo whether he would be willing to guest in the singing show she was judging currently.

"Okay, that's good but are you sure about this?" YiBo asked.

"I mean, they are obviously fishing for higher views by showcasing us together," she replied biting a piece of apple.

"Yeah, that's what they do," YiBo agreed. "What I mean is, won't that backfire once the truth comes out?"

"You mean the altered truth?" She arched an eyebrow playfully, "There's a possibility, yes, but I think this might benefit us if we want to be seen sincere while having that "amicable break up". I mean, people are going to expect us to blame and shame each other and we will just have to disappoint them." She gave him an evil smile.

"I see you've planned this all out," YiBo laughed lightly as well. "Okay then, set the schedule with Xiu Ying and I'm game. But what would I actually have to do? How long will the shoot be? Do I have to stay there for a few days?"

Vanessa propped her chin on her hand and looked at him, "That's a lot of questions coming from someone that usually never thought much as long as it was work."

"I'm getting paid?" YiBo pretended to be surprised.

"Of course, you are! You're guesting in one of the biggest musical shows in the country. And considering your fame, your every minute should be counted with money because they surely will make loads using you. Fiancee privilege or not."


"So, what changed?" Vanessa asked.


"Why are you so reluctant to leave the town for work?"

"I'm not!" He protested immediately.

Vanessa gave him a levelled look and asked again, "What changed?"

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