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Surprise surprise!😎 You didn't expect this, did ya?!😎

So....something happened. I practice what can be described as 'method writing' where in order to project the emotions my characters feel I try to feel them personally. But this time it backfired quite badly. I was trying to feel Zhan's detachment and ended up feeling detached with the story itself.😑 Shut up.😑 Don't laugh.😒 And I know what you lil pervs are thinking!🤨 To answer your immoral question, I watch horror and extreme action movies while writing smuts. Happy, weirdos?😣 Anyway, now I'm having problem with connecting to the story and taking things slow. So, the next few updates might be delayed for a couple of days from the scheduled time. Might.

Also, I think a reminder is needed that while this is indeed a fan fiction, this story is not about Zhan and YiBo met, fell in love, did some you know what, then ran into the sunset holding hands. The main focus of this story is mental health issues and how different people deal with it. How some gets treatment, some goes undetected. It's heavy. Every chapter takes lots of careful planning (more so now because I've come to know that this story is helping some people in their own personal lives). I need to face my own demons while writing Zhan's perspective, which in turn triggers me and I have to deal with the aftermath. And lastly, I'm almost obsessively picky about plot development. I can't rush things. So, if the pacing is making you impatient, you are in no way obligated to read it. I do not promote my stories. I don't even ask my friends to read them, let alone others. This will be a long winding road with many angst and ups and downs because for some people life really sucks. I do not write for popularity. I write for my compulsive need to do something creative and my life long hope of giving representation to those who are under represented in literature.💜

The questions you guys had about Zhan's shocking reaction hopefully will be answered in this chapter. Let me know how things go. Also if you guys have any question regarding the story or characters or about depression, feel free to ask. 🌼

Sorry I didn't reply to the comments on the previous chapter. I was taking a break from Wattpad. I look forward to hearing from all of you who usually comments. My lil ginger teabags!🌸💜🌸

Votes are little touch of love. Thanks to all of you who tapped on the star!🌻🌟

And damn all of you who have started to read it as GayGay!😣 I jinxed it.😣

Off ya go!



Zhan had never experienced anger like this before. He was not an angry person in general. The few bouts of hot-headedness he had, they were rare and quiet. He stored everything within and waited for them to die down on their own. And he was most definitely not a physically abusive person by any stretch of the word. But right at this moment all he could feel was white hot rage that consumed his rational faculties and an uncontrollable need to hurt.

His vision was going black with spots swarming in front of his eyes. He shook his hands in futile try to dislodge some of the mounting tension but nothing happened. He kept pacing the room in frantic steps, clenching unclenching his fists.

Everything was a lie? A sham of a marriage? Wasn't even his girlfriend, which meant the dating news was made up as well?

Two years....for more than two years Zhan had gone through hell. The excruciating pain that had become a part of his life, he had suffered from it for two years. Thinking that YiBo was lost to him forever, that there was no way back anymore, that he had lost the person he had wanted to keep the most. For two long years he had lived through such inexplicable sense of loss.

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