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Heyo! Update time!😎

I think I am having a food poisoning.😖

But oh my god, I am completely blown away by the concern and support I have received after my last chapter!🤧 You hold a piece of my heart.🤧 Thank you for giving me courage constantly.😭 I'm overwhelmed. I...I have no words.😭

Thank you for all your comments. Keep dropping them, darlings!😍

Thank you for all your votes. They are the little touches of love.😘

Now, off ya go!



When Zhan got out of the bath it was past midnight. He must have dozed off for a while in there. Every muscle in his body felt lax, as if he was a mass of blob. He had been working continuously for the past few weeks. The physical strain along with the emotional whirlwind took a toll on him. Their new line would be released tomorrow. So, for now his work was done.

His phoned dinged. Towelling his hair dry he went to check. Must be Xuan; he was still at the office.

I called but you didn't pick up either time. Just checking if everything is okay. –WY

Eyes widening, Zhan quickly checked his call log to see that indeed there were two missed calls from YiBo. He looked at the clock again. Would it be all right if he called this late? Or should he just send a text? But......but he wanted to hear his voice. They had been talking every day. Conversation still stilted but was better than before. Due to the work pressure Zhan didn't have a moment to rest his back today, let alone chit chatting. And while not even a moment ago he was ready to drop dead on his bed, now the need of hearing that voice spread through him.

Feeling guilty at his own desire but not enough to deter himself, he called back. It was picked up almost immediately.


"Hi. Sorry for calling back so late," he apologized.

"No worries. You can call me anytime you see fit. I- I called twice before."

"Yeah, I just saw. Sorry. It was such a hectic day today. My phone wasn't with me most of the time. It's not- not that I didn't pick up on purpose," Zhan explained while pulling at a thread of his towel that slung around his bare neck.

"I know!" YiBo readily accepted, "I didn't think you were avoiding me. I guessed you must be busy. So, everything's prepared?"

"Hopefully. I mean, there is always something that's left to be done at the last moment but when I left, Xuan was giving everything a final run over. He almost kicked me out of the office."

"Your manager is very efficient, don't worry. Will you attend tomorrow?"

Zhan sat at the foot of the bed, "No. Except for a few, nobody knows who I am."

"I have heard," YiBo paused, "However, I don't know why."

He wasn't sure if it was the right moment to tell him the actual reason. "I don't like the attention. The media pressure, the's too much for me to handle," he explained.

The other end went silent for a moment and when Zhan opened his mouth to change the topic, YiBo spoke first. "You were hiding from me, weren't you?"

Zhan stared at a spot on the floor. What would he say? What could he say? "Yes," he told the truth quietly. While he did not want to make YiBo upset, there was no point in lying either.

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