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kay, lemme kowtow first for going MIA for two weeks straight but I swear there reasons were legit.🤧

I couldn't write a single word the first week because life was kicking my butt with adult stuffs. Then the second week when I was done with 40% of the chapter, a relative passed away. That grandma was pretty old and sick, so, not a shocker but I had to attend her cremation ceremony, which turned things to shit for me. You see, the last time I attended such a ceremony was for my mum and before that was for my dad. So, the whole thing triggered me in the most horrible way possible. I was catatonic for a few days. But life must go on and I already hated myself for keeping you all in wait. Hence, I somehow managed to finish the chapter. Don't think it's much but I hope you guys will understand. It's a had time for me.🤧

Thank you all those who DM'd me or left comments asking after my health due to my absence. It always feels so heart warming to know some of you see me more than a writer. Thank you.❤️😍

Hope you all are doing great.💜

Off ya go!



"How are you feeling today, Zhan?"

"Exausted.................numb," Zhan replied without taking his eyes off the floor.

They were in Zhan's bedroom, the place he felt the safest currently.

"Any feeling of impending attacks?"

Zhan shook his head silently.

His therapist stayed silent for a while. "Do you want to talk? It's perfectly fine if you don't want to."

Zhan gave a light shrug, head still lowered, "You came all the way here for me."

"And you are not obligated to do anything for a decision I took on my own."

Zhan did not answer.

"I heard you did brilliantly well yesterday."

"Did you watch it?" A definitive reaction at last.

The therapist smiled in denial, "No, I haven't but I have heard it from reliable sources."

"What reliable source?" Suspicion was clear in his voice.

"From Mr. Wang....well, both of them."

" talked to YiBo?" Receiving the affirmative nod, he added, "What...did he tell you?" The trepidation he felt was so stark.

"He told me how brave you were throughout proud he is of you."

Zhan closed his eyes briefly, not wanting to let those words affect him, for they were just kind words to console him. "What's there to be proud of?" He murmured. "I panicked, stuttered, forgot the important details. I was scared, not brave....never brave."

"Hmmm," his therapist hummed noncommittally. "Zhan, do you know what immense courage it takes for us to openly talk about unpleasant and bitter truth? Especially if that truth includes our own follies? You bared yourself open to a roomful of strangers; people whom you know have no goodwill or sympathy for you or your dear ones. Even though you avoid interaction with the outer world at any cost, even though you have severe social anxiety, you went there and faced your fears head on. All to bring the truth in the forefront. For Mr. Wang. And it's one of the bravest things I have ever witnessed."

"I wasn't brave," Zhan remained unmoved on his statement.

"All right," She did not push either. "Then tell me how you feel about what Mr. Wang did. About the interview he did. Was he brave?"

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