1: I was so done...

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"And the trial is done! This man right here is truly guilty of pushing the man towards a speeding train!!!" Markin said while pointing an accusing finger at the man in their respective seat.

Indeed, the person they hired to fight against the murder of his older brother was going to dish out by stammering and feeling worthless over them and all, but he wasn't going to let that happened.

The judge slammed hard on the mallet and the trial was done. Ofcourse they all went home, nothing was to be of bothered except for the fact that his enemy's mother slapped him across the face. He didn't mind, he was done with them now.

He walked out of the room, out of the building, and off to the streets with hands tucked in his side pockets.

In matter of facts it all happened so suddenly, he forgot to note to himself that the family members of the murderer was going to go after him.

The only thing that he heard was the screaming of someone running towards him, turning around he was met with a knife, just a few inches away from him when time stopped.

"What the hell..?" He mumbled as he stared at the woman's vengeful eyes and the knife ready to jab at him at any moment with a few people who were the woman's relative trying to catch up to her.

"Hello, Markin..."

A voice bloomed in the stillness of time.

Markin's eyes flew side to side, trying to target where the voice came from.

It didn't come from anybody close to his range of sight. His body still and unhinged even the slightest of trying to twitch it to move.

"You're in quite the dire state..."

"Who the hell are you!?" Markin quickly growled at the voice when it spoke again.

"Calm yourself, Markin, for I am not here to harm anyone."

Markin didn't know how to calm down that easily from the weirdness of his state.

"Who are you..?" He asked softly this time.

He got no response easily, but he insisted waiting for a short while before trying to pry his whole body to move.

To his surprise, time moved again and he choked on his own shock when the knife plunged right between his ribs. Blood splattered out of his mouth as the knife was plunged deeper, making his survival hang loosely on a weak rope.

'no, no, no.!' his last thoughts abruptly caword over him as he began to loose strength and slowly tumble backwards.

The woman soon realized what she had just done and the look of despair replaced the vengeance she once wore when she was sprinting.

Markin fell to the floor with a thud, the impact on behind his head being enough to kill his soul fast when his right hand twitched for the last time.

He had such a weak immunity for trying to stay alive.

All was dark and painful. All he heard was the loud cries of people and yelling for rescue, but he was long gone by then.

As soon as his teary eyes fluttered and the weight of his whole body gave in. He fell on his last breath for slumber.


Markin awoke to the sound of someone calling him. Still, his eyes remained shut as he mumbled with dry lips.

"Show me that you can help your brother and in return, I will grant the two of you protection."

"Protection..." Markin hummed as he slowly opened an eye and reach out to the light infront of him that kept on trying to reach him.

"Protect...my brother..." His last words echoed into his heart as soon as the light consumed him and the sound of loud crying escaping his mouth pressumed with someone else crying.

"Good lord! Thank you!" A man's voice was heard preaching as the young infant's eyes opened slowly to look around.

"He almost drowned was it right???" A woman's voice echoed.

"Yes! By the river bank! These two must be twins! They're so alike, yet why were they separated!?" Another woman's voice echoed next as the distinct sound of two infants crying took lead of the background noise.

'where am I?' Markin thought as she glanced over a mirror. It wasn't a 'he' anymore but a 'she' now.

'what happened?' he trailed his thoughts next as she whimpered slightly over the warm soup that was fed to her without warning.

The crying coming from her mouth continued without his consent as she began to regain past memories all together.

"How is Tanya?" The elderly nun which held Markin asked.

Markin glanced below her as the woman rocked her slightly in one arm.

"She is fine." The other elderly spoke back while holding a blonde young baby in one arm.

"Oh...hahahh...eat well Tanya, and your sister her as well will eat as much as you too, isn't that right? Tani?" The one carrying Marlin conversed as she took another spoon full to feed after blowing it.

'Tani? Is she referring to me??? What happened???' Markin asked as she had a hard time gulping over the warm soup.

Another cry leaving her mouth without consent again.

"You will know the answer soon..."

'what the!? Who is that!??' Tani thought as she blinked slightly as hr teary eyes tried to scan a little more on her surrounding.

Memories soon flooding back to her when she reached the age of one.

"Tanya!" Tania called out as she rushed over to Tanya who sat up by the corner of the room.

"Yeah?" Tanya asked as she tried to catch Tania who almost fell sideways.

"Careful!" Tanya said.

"Sowee!" Tania's voice was also pipsqueaked just like her sister's.

"They're growing up so fast..." a nun soon came in to check on the twins.

Both stared back in unison as the nun began to make their way to them. She slowly carried Tanya up which made Tania upset.

"Come now, Tanya." The nun said, but was stopped when Tania clinged over her sister.

Tania cried out as she held tight on Tanya's white dress.

"T... Tani, what's wrong..!?" The nun stammered as soon as Tania clinged unto her.

The nun examined for a while before she sighed out a smile of understanding. She kneeled down and took Tania with her along with Tanya.

Long ago, yes(Youjo senki fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now