5: Waiting in her letters

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"Captain?" The soft calling coming from Visha was as sweet as ever when it came to the young superior. Upon entering Tanya's office, she was met by nobody being around.

'She still must be a bit busy...' she thought as she closed the door behind her and scanned around the office slightly. She wasn't going to snoop around, perhaps.

She smiled seeing a piece of paper with small cat doodles. The only thought having was that it was adorable even when she knew well that Tanya was going to kill her if she were to spread anything close to Tanya liking to doodle cats on paper with a quilt.

No, no, no. That would be too risky for Visha to speak about even to the ones who have seen what Tanya was really capable of doing to them. Still, she found it adorable to look at.

'Even though she's more terrifying than the war zone, she's still a child after all.' she thought while running a hand at the close edges of the desk.

She liked the thought of her major to be completely noble even though it was clear that Tanya was a coffee drinker, but she was quite surprised a child like her would like a cup of coffee as a starter in her everyday work hours and still come out noble. Walking over and near the chair which was tucked neatly under the space of the desk, she took a step forward before something moved by the shriveled touch of her black boots.

"Huh?" A quiet yet obvious mumble escaped her lips when she suddenly felt something by her boot was hit slightly that was enough for it to slip and rest above it. She glanced down, expecting to see a rifle of the sort but was surprised to see a black bag laid above her black boot.

'What's this?' she thought while slowly kneeling down and cautiously as she can to touching it for any sort of trap.

None were found. She soon took her chances and broke the 'no snooping around' rule she had in mind as she unbuckled and opened the top portion slowly.

It was filled with new and old papers, with each one folded tightly making her question herself a bit as to why though. Taking a glance at the door and waited for a couple of seconds for any sound, she abruptly went back over to the bag and took out one of the folded pieces of paper.

There it was, written in Tanya's own honest swearing of words and writing by a small hand.

'I think the war was a chance to meet up, or moreover just me trying to look for you... I'm still not sure how to reach you, and writing this down like you've always told me to do even back then has always placed everything down for the time being to remember and tell you or myself.'

Visha felt herself slump a bit when she saw how well written it was from top to bottom of the first paragraph.

Glancing down, she gulped and tried to remain as calm as she can.

'I miss you a lot really, and well...not like you'll see any of these letters. Hell, I don't even know where they took you, but I made a promise with you and breaking it would just make me regret every decision I've come over so far. Yeah, I'm pathetic with writing and talking to myself like an idiot you've always referred me to as usual. They were all true when you said it.. I know.'

Visha took her time and processed the private information. She wasn't even sure of herself if the other higher-ups from Tanya knew about this. Still, she continued to read by placing the folded paper back inside and proceeded to take another folded paper to reveal it's more informative secrets kept hidden.

'I've been feeling lonely lately, I think the fact that we're still apart from each other is being the main reasons for it. Likewise, I'm not going to feel dumb enough to act childish in front of adults, especially when they're all men...I know how much you'd hate that if you were to see me being friendly with adults, worse is with men.'

Visha chuckled at these thoughts written down as she took a quick glance at the door and listened intently for a while.

'Captain's busier than I thought.' she thought as she glanced around the room.

'There's nothing much to be done around really.' she trailed off as she looked back down on the paper to continue reading.

'I think you're going to confuse everyone when we get our so called reunion someday after a few more years as promised, I don't know if we'll be able to see each other which will hurt me more than it hurts knowing I'm in hell here away from my only comfort for the time being. I feel so lonely and scared but I'm not just going to show weakness for them to take advantage of...Tani, I'm getting a bit impatient waiting and understanding that everything is unpredictable...'

"Tani..?" Visha mumbled as she gave a curious yet confused look while folding it back in and tried to read a few more papers to see any remarks of who the person was being referred to in the papers. She didn't get the answer she wanted really.

All that was referred to Tani was that it was a 'her', a girl to be exact and nothing else.

Then she heard faint talking becoming louder alerting her to fix everything as it was as she quietly yet quickly as she could and ran over to pretend as if she just came and was making coffee.

Tanya opened the door and was greeted by the smell of coffee beans that lingered a bit around the room.

"Oh, second luitenant Serebryakov?" Tanya hummed while closing the door behind her as she soon noticed a glimpse of fear and hiding of flustered emotions of her older subordinate.

"Good morning, captain." Visha greeted in her usual tone and meek smile as she tried to hold the fear inside her to not alert Tanya of feeling suspicious.

Still, Tanya gave her the expression she didn't want to get.

Visha stared back at Tanya who continued to show immense dominance of where she belonged, before Tanya quickly let out a sigh to calm the atmosphere down as Visha handed her the warm cup of coffee as she stood by her desk.

"What brings you here this early?" Tanya asked as she took a quick glance below her boot to notice the black bag slightly out of place as what she had left it.

"Nothing all too bothering if you don't mind me asking, really." Visha stammered a bit when she tried to speak her own mind.

Tanya nodded in approval.

Visha averted her gaze as she tried to hold the courage she was in need of to ask her bold question.

"I'm a little curious about your life before you joined the army, captain." She asked.

Tanya almost spat a bit over her coffee when she got too surprised.

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