10: she's a Fool

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"Commander Degurechaff is ready to lead the mages to victory." Renjin said as he forced a sudden salute towards the open door of the car.

With a yawn, Tania stretched an arm out and waved a hand over the line of mages which gave frightful looks.

Tania made a quick glimpse of being confused as she wore the blue hat neatly.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a furrowed brow.

"Nothing, commander!!!" They all yelled back in unison.

Tania gave an amazed look as she chuckles and clapped her hands slowly in amusement.

"Shall we go?" She asked as she hung the rifle loosely behind her back.

Then she heard a subtle sound of disgust behind her when she passed by one of the soldiers.

Tania turned around and saw a young woman quickly averting gaze when she looked.

"Is something the matter?" Tania asked.

"No... nothing to be of concern, commander..." the female soldier said.

Tania raised a brow before a smirk peeked in.

"Is it because of how I look?" Tania asked with a hint of amusement.

The soldier tried not to get carried away from her anger as she felt her hands grip into a fist behind her back.

"No, commander!" She stammered out.

"Well, is it because I'm from the fatherland's before getting dropped here?" Tania asked with a wide grin as she watched the soldier's eyes widen in shock as they tried to continue averting gaze from them.

The other soldiers in line were sweating as they tried to maintain their formation and physic together.

Tania hummed as she waited for an answer to come by.

A few seconds only passed before she decided to ask another question.

"Or is it because I'm clearly insane?" She asked.

The female mage gulped and opened their mouth to try and speak.

"No, commander!" She stammered out.

"Well, then... what's your name fellow soldier?" Tania asked with a glint of amusement clear in her voice.

"Mary Sue, commander!" Mary Sue it was.

With the trees from behind the soldiers dancing along with the wind, Tania nodded and began to walk to off.

'That devil had a twin sister!??' Mary thought as she tried to keep the vengeance away and quiet in her head.

She had found her herself.

"Are you ok???" A former mage asked Mary who was stunned when the young commander walked off.

Mary nodded in reassurance and tried to process the new information she just acquired from the higher up that had taunted her a few minutes ago.

Without a doubt, her thoughts were nothing but suspicion and theories. Still, she had to make sure nobody thought of her like that on the commander.

They prepared for their departure to the front lines and into the dangerous and hellish part of the war zone to attack.

"Hey, where's the commander?" A soldier asked as over to their other comrade.

"I dunno," they answered back.

"Hey, Mary! Can you go and find the commander? We don't know what to do next after this..." He said after turning around to look at Mary who stretched and nodded for his small bidding.

Hoping off of the vehicle, she made her way down the grassy path and over a rock to find the commander somewhere in the safe zone. She didn't like the commander to be exact, she felt something off of her.

While she walked around, looking for her, she almost fumbled over a small rock which laid bare from the dirt and grass that loomed around it like a magnet.

"Close call." She whispered while fixing her blue hat back.

As she turned a corner of a tent is when she had heard it. Talking.

She peeked to see Tania kneeling down on a toy.

'What?' she asked her self mentally as she watched Tania chuckle and talk to the bear like it was alive.

"Indeed, my plan to be a traitor is funny...but get this, oh, great one!" Mary listened to the young child's rambling.

"This is like a little game of Wolf in my own taste. At least one is a joker, the other is a huntsman, while the rest are either villagers and wolves ready to play at any moment." She laughed quietly as she patted the bear like a disciplined dog.

Mary listened more intently as a rush of thoughts perceived her mind while keeping in hiding.

"There's no doctor, no police, and detective... it's just my kind of game to play around with." Tania chuckled out loud while gripping on the bear's neck tightly and abrupt. She stared at the bear, her hunger for everything to fall down getting stronger as she whistled to herself without concern.

"Don't worry, I made sure to get everything rigged when they try and use them. It's not like they'll find out when they use them." She said before maniacally laughing when she placed the bear back down on its bottom.

Mary's eyes only widened of what she had discovered from the young child they had to call their commander and who she had thought of was going to lead them to victory and safety.

"You dirty liar!!!" Mary shouted as soon as Tania was about to walk out.

Tania stared at her, forcing her eyes to widen as she gave an exaggerated look of despair and shock, before throwing it all away when she laughed.

"Oh, Mary Sue! What brings you here? They're looking for me, huh?" Tania said with a smug look as she walked towards her with a quick snicker.

"You bastard!" Mary hissed.

"Hey, now... you're not the one in control of everything here, sweety." Tania said while reaching a hand out to touch Mary who recoiled and growled at her like some animal.

Tania was impressed by that fast reflex though.

"My, my...what are you even gonna try and do?" She hummed while calmly placing her arms behind her back.

"Telling the others of you're mischief so what!??" Mary said.

"How on earth are they going to believe you, ehh?" Tania laughed out while pointing an accusing finger towards Mary's direction.

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