43: hi, I'm Vess and I won

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Vess' POV;

I sighed, sitting inside our 'hideout' as I wait for the last two idiots to get back.

I can't believe it.

She...she escaped her death like it was nothing! Like it was NOTHING!!!

Arghh! I hate her! I hate her!

Why won't she just die!!? Just die!!!

I was immediately stopped by my head ramblings by Abalard and Charles who stood after closing the door behind them.

"Hey, boss." Charles said while looking over at me.

Frowning I hit him in the face.

"You...you let her escape! You morons let her escape!!!" I nagged.

They all looked down in disappointment to themselves before I clicked my tongue and walked out.

"Hurry up! We're going now and I already know where her sister is in the building." I said.

They all followed behind me and we stealthily made our way to the building by the dark shadows and uneventful places people won't see us.

I crouched under one of the bushes while waiting for the first three people to walk out.

"We're taking their uniforms for disguises." I whispered.

They both nodded and the three of us patiently waited for any mage soldiers to come out.


This is perfect!

I didn't think her sister would be so gullible!

Hahahahahahah, I'm so glad!!!

I stand here, beside Abalard and Charles who are in such good postures, our plan will definitely succeed!

You see...

We met her while walking down one of the hallways towards this very room the three of us are standing in. She was with someone who was a first luitenant who was confused when our target spoke in such ease like a child she was. I just had to lie our names and she immediately took pride in taking us in as mages who will stand behind her when she speaks in front of the small crowd of superiors.

Hell, all I need is to get their attention into putting their weapons down and everything will go just as planned! It's almost time, her sister will be doing some sort of speech in front of the small crowd and I'll definitely have my target as my hostage.


"I wonder why captain Tanya suddenly wanted three mage soldiers to change all our spots..?" Koenig whispered over to Visha.

"I don't know...but the three of them look suspicious." Visha whispered back while staring forward at the three men who were with Tanya in front of the stage.

They stood in a straight line, distance a priority as they stood behind Tanya with a large space.

Tanya didn't say anything too much but she had her speech memorized.

As soon as she finished, they all clapped their hands because it was just too 'heart-touching', in fact, it almost felt like they were stabbed when she delivered it with such ease of how they can really feel the emotions in each word.

"She's amazing." Weiss whispered.

Grantz chuckled.

"She sure is, eh?" He whispered back while clapping his hands loudly.

Tanya saluted before getting yanked by the head and slammed down on the ground, two guns aimed right to her head.

"Captain!" Visha shouted as soon as everything went down.

"Shut up or she'll die! Throw your guns away if none of you want two holes right through her skull!!!" Vess commanded while pointing a gun towards everyone.

Tanya's nose was bleeding, yet it wasn't broken or anything like that.

'Argh.... hurting her is still like hurting a child.' Charles thought while looking down on the blonde-haired child.

Everyone began to stand still and the soldiers that had guns threw theirs away to ensure the young silver mage doesn't in any way get hurt even more.

Vess menaced a smile as he commanded his two men to yank Tanya up to stand.

"Tani!!!" Vess shouted in the room.

"I know you're somewhere close! And I know you'll come out knowing your sister will die if you don't!!!" He continued.

They all gave confused looks of anguish as they continued to listen to Vess' shouting.

As soon as he stopped, the door opened, and in came Tania who waved a hand at him.

Vess immediately smiled and began maniacally laughing.

"I knew it! I knew it!!!" He shouted between maniacal laughing.

Everyone gave Tania confused looks when they saw that she looked exactly like Tanya.

"Ok...hehehehh... I'll give you two options, Tani... either you shoot yourself or you and your dear sister die together..." Vess said after huffing wildly from the lack of oxygen she had.

Tanya yawned while stretching her arms out.

"Tani! Are you ok!?" She shouted over.

Vess gave a confused look when she glanced back over behind him. Both his men were knocked out unconscious.

Tania wiped the blood off of her nose with a small towel.

"Yeah! I'm fine, they just hit my face on the ground too hard." Tania shouted back over, the blue jewel illuminating strongly when she changed the red jewel for hers.

Tanya smiled back before rushing up the stage and yanking Tania before turning her around and her back away from facing the large windows as soon as tragedy tried to strike her down.

Vess laughed loud before getting tackled to the ground by the soldiers who threw their weapons away from them. He struggled and grumbled out loud when he was slammed down by strong force.

Tanya immediately went limp when the bullet got her instead of Tania.

"No..! No! No!!!" Tania stammered while yanking the gun from Charles and casting a spell before pulling the trigger.

Tanya coughed up blood and laid down in pain and the weight of her weakening body.

Tania clutched the white shirt tight while trying to hold Tanya up.

Visha immediately went into action like the others as she went over to twins side.

"Sorry, I couldn't tell you there was a sniper...there was no time." Tanya said while trying to fight the pain that lingered behind her back.

"You idiot!!!" Tania shouted while yanking the red computation orb to exchange for the blue one that was on Tanya's collar.

"Captain! Please stay awake, hang on! It'll be fine! Help is on the way!!!" Visha stammered while trying to keep Tanya from closing her eyes.

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