41: I'm saving you, idiot

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The sun rose up and Tanya fumbled around the bedsheets while yawning when she was able to sit up straight. Stretching her arms out as she stood up to make her way to the bathroom after grabbing the clothes and towel her older sister provided last night.

The soft noise of running water woke Tania up who sat up and sneezed for a quick second before hopping off to get ready.

"Explanation..." She mumbled before taking her clothes for the day and her towel while making her way to the bathroom.

Placing her clothes and towel down by the empty small table by the side of the closed bathroom door. She made her way downstairs to make breakfast.

"Damn... I need coffee." She mumbled before pausing by the stairs.

Walking back up a few steps she called out over to Tanya.

"Hey, baby bro!!!" She began.

"Yeah?" Tanya replied inside the bathroom after the running water stopped.

"I'm making coffee, do you drink coffee??" Tania asked.

Tanya shouted in agreement inside the closed bathroom door.

Hopping off of the last case of the stairs, Tania made her way over to the kitchen to heat up water and toast bread. Surprisingly for her that she had the time to buy a loaf of bread while she was buying ingredients yesterday.

'I wonder if Tania drinks coffee... Does she even remember how I like my coffee..?' Tanya thought as she wore the black pants and buckled the belt on after tucking her white long-sleeved shirt on.

'She probably does.' she chained her thought together as she wiped her face one more time with the towel before walking out and back inside her bedroom.

After Tania settled the plates down and Tanya's cup of coffee, she let out a yawn after taking her breakfast quick for a shower.

She trashed Tanya's hair when the passed by the stairs, earning a quick laugh from her younger twin in the process.

"You're so rude!" Tanya laughed after passing her by.

"Said by the idiot!" Tania laughed back.

Immediately did Tanya stomp back upstairs making her older twin rush towards her clothes and towel before shutting the bathroom door with a wide smile when Tanya was just a few meters close to getting to her.

"You rude bastard!" Tanya shouted while slamming on the door.

Tania laughed inside the bathroom making her younger twin stifle a laugh when she walked away from the bathroom door in defeat.

Sighing, she walked back down the stairs and to the dining area to eat. In fact, she whistled in amazement when she saw the cup of coffee and toast.

"Man...she really has good cooking skills, should've continued half my cooking career before deciding to become a businessman." She pondered while taking the cup of coffee.

Looking around, she walked over to the closest window and glanced around.

It was a nice day outside. It wasn't busy here and there and it wasn't carefree and quiet too.

"What a nice morning." She mumbled while drinking the coffee slowly.

She herself felt carefree actually.

In fact, she even jolted up when a loud thud and crash came from upstairs.

"T..Tani..?" She called over as soon as she placed the cup down on the table and rushed up the stairs in a concerned hurry.

Tania was wrestling with a man wearing a black mask.

As soon as Tania saw her younger twin, she immediately kicked the man by the back neck, making him jolt from pain before fainting.

"We need to leave!" She said while rushing inside her younger twin's bedroom to yank her uniform and boots before shoving it inside a bag big enough for the boots to fit in along with her medal and computation orb.

Tanya gave a confused look as soon as the bag was shoved in front of her empty hands.

"Wait, what's happening?" Tanya asked while rushing down the stairs.

The tip of the knife abruptly missing her head when she tripped forward.

"Damn! You missed!" Another masked man was in there.

Tanya evaded the knife that was lunged forward again with her tossing the bag at the man's face before punching them in the gut.

It packed a good hit and the man was shoved away from almost losing his own balance.

Tania tied an extension cord around the masked man, choking him to death before yanking the mask off to see who it was.

"Luitenant colonel???" Tania was baffled when she saw who the dead man's face was.

Tanya raised a brow while grabbing the bag. Tania quickly snapped from her fazed state and yanked her younger twin's hand while rushing out of the house.

"What was that!? Are they spies?!?" Tanya asked while running along with her older twin.

"You idiot! Did you forget I'm a literal traitor on their side!?? Of course, they're going to try and use their spies to kill me for this treason that I just committed!" Tania said under her smirk while running down the streets.

Tanya continued to run, the sound of yelling suddenly making her look around.

Two men were chasing them, trying to tail on them too.

Immediately did Tania rush towards a crowd while gripping her younger twin's hand while running around the crowd of adults. The two men were caught in a baffling surprise as they paused and ran in different directions to try and tail the twins.

The twins continued to mingle around before finding a spot they can squeeze in and hide for the time being to think of a plan.

Tania looked around, making sure they had a second back up plan in case they get spotted and cornered in the hiding spot. Luckily, she was able to see a ladder not too far and lead up to the very top.

"We're swapping places, Tania." Tanya said after yanking her older twin to turn back around to face her.

Tania was surprised.

"What!? No way!" She declined before grabbing her younger twin towards the ladder.

"I'm saving you, idiot!" She continued while looking over the crowd passing by here and there with the two men visibly trying to find them.

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