16: it's a present

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Tanya stared at the things inside the box, there was a letter ontop of other clothes below it. Taking the letter, she slowly opened it to read as a smile formed across her face.

With the door creaking as quietly as possible, Schugel made a small crack he, Weiss, Lerhgen, Zettour, Maxiliam and Visha could look. How amazing it was the god was willing to let them stalk without getting caught.

The adults present behind the door stared at Tanya's back faced at them.

Tanya chuckled, before she began to read inside her mind.

'Dear Tanya, I hope you don't mind the somewhat late birthday present!Yeah, I know... returning home is a better present than two boxes, but rest assured I made sure to get what you'd really smile at...also, I stole them so be grateful with you and your expensive ass...'

With that Tanya took out one of the white long sleeved shirts as she smiled just like what the letter said.

"How peculiar of her... getting what I want for my birthday..." Tanya commented before a chuckling as she folded the shirt back up.

'She prefers sleeved shirts than dresses??' Visha thought.

"Ah...damn hooligan..." Tanya said as soon as she took out a bear holding a heart with a small button on it.

Tanya rolled their eyes before slowly deciding whether to press it or not. The expectations were ranging from being horrible to super nice with her.

The adults present stared intently from the thin crack of the office door.

As soon as Tanya pressed it sweet and calm words slipped from the small speaker inside it.

"Happy birthday, Tanya. Yep, this is a recording...oh! There's more than one too inside the other box and it's much longer and more private!"

Tanya's face flushed while yanking the bear in a tight hug as her forehead rested calmly by the side of the desk. She missed her a lot than she had thought.

'Who was that..? Was that Tanya recording herself??' Zettour thought as he continued to listen and watch with the others.

It really was a blessing that god himself is letting them see this side of the comepelled to be titled the devil of the Rhine, and it was also a surprise that Tanya was unaware of all their presence behind her.

"Ah...I really should be thankful you somehow snuck in to give me presents..." Tanya hummed as she scrambled around the first box before going over to the next one.

There was ofcourse another letter inside it. Opening it, she was met by another amusing letter.

'Dear Tanya, if you're wondering how I got in to send you these, I didn't... I just got through a messenger in anonymous, and besides you look depressing.'

"This joker..." Tanya giggled before looking around.

She took out the second bear as soon as she had her eyes over it. Pressing the button she was met with a surprising information.

"Tanya do you remember the orphanage we awoke in? I tpretty  much hreatened them to keep their mouth shut about me and you, oh don't worry, they're fine...by the way, do you know the frontlines of the east side? Yeah I've kind of sabotaged it like we planned for, attack it when you get the chance. The north is getting quite annoying to travel over, especially when I have to pretend to be a prisoner of war everytime I have to travel around..." Tanya continued to listen as she placed it down and looked around the box a little more, she took out black pants and shorts.

"Oh, and I'm quite proud of you..." Tanya halted as soon as those words were said, making her stare at the bear confused.

"You kicked ass out there, big sister is super proud of you~" now Tanya felt a nerve when she heard those seemingly sarcastic words from the bear.

"I was wondering if you're going to be busy on your 'orphanage birthday'... I mean we can meet up somewhere if it wouldn't hurt." Tanya yanked the bear up when she heard those and stopped her gears from looking around the box.

"Let me see..."

Tanya listened closely.

"Hmm..." It continued.

"Where should we meet up..."

Tanya was getting impatient.

"Damnit! Where!??" She hissed.

Only to receive laughing as response.

"I'm kidding with all the recording parts, Tanya." The bear chuckled.

Tanya's mouth opened wide in confusion.

"What???" She asked the bear.

"Calm down, I can hear you yelling loud, this is a special radio I made... I should inform you that we can talk with this bear, the other bear was the only recording." The bear said.

Tanya stared for a while before scoffing.

"This prank is not funny!" She sneered as she tossed the bear to the side.

Silence loomed as she continued to look around the box and took out a pack of batteries.

"Why in the world would she send me this???" She asked herself before she got the answer from the radio inside the bear.

"Because you need it in case the radio runs out of battery genius." The bear spoke.

Tanya halted and slowly took the bear hand in hand again.

"Is this...real..?" She asked.

"Duh! Why don't you rip the bear open and take the radio out then???" The bear taunted.

"You pyscho..." Tanya commented as she quickly turned the bear around and took the radio out after zipping it open.

The radio was small and fitted her small hand.

"Ding! Dong! You're an idiot!" The laughter echoed from the radio.

Tanya grew a nerve and opened her mouth to respond.

"Says the one who got themselves reincarnated next to me." She countered.

The adults continued to listen before a man in a brown suit interrupted them by bursting in on Tanya without warning.

"Excuse me!" The man yelled.

Tanya freaked out for a quick second and hid the radio behind her with a quick sweat sliding by the side of her face.

"Are you Tanya von Degurechaff?" The man asked.

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