46: a month later

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"Rational sadist." Tania said in complete mockery over her younger twin while placing the file down before digging over the next folder.

"Irritational masochist." Tanya mocked back when she did so and continued to dip the quilt for ink.

Tania chuckled in amusement.

"And, oh, I wonder why." She glimpsed over while smirking.

"Don't look at me."

But Tanya quickly deadpanned her when she did so.

Meanwhile, Visha and Weiss were having a hard time trying to sort papers down when they can clearly hear the twins talking like they really are a true pair together.

You could say they were having weird and concerning thoughts when Tania was called out as a masochist. Hey, they've known their young female captain completely but not the other one, their new commander and superior over them.

Tania didn't even need to do anything such be in training for over three months or so to become an official mage, even a  major ar that, she was immediately called out as one when she had explained everything of what she had endured and done in the enemy territory and it's war zone surroundings. You could even say she's a good spy and a mage, even though she was never in any way seen flying into the war zone and fighting in any records and history of the mage soldiers and ground soldiers that survived until now and reported to them in respect too.

'If major Tani is a masochist and major Tanya is a sadist...does that mean..?' Weiss thought as he carried the small stack of files after opening the door.

Visha closed it for him when she saluted before walking out along with him.

"Do you want to have a go at guessing what they were thinking?" Tania asked with a wide grin as she raised both legs up on her desk while crossing them when she finally finished all her workload.

Tanya raised a brow while chuckling as she continued to write before glancing over abruptly at her older twin.

"Do you want to or do you not want to?" Tania asked while rocking herself calmly on her chair.

Tanya chuckled again before finally finishing her workload as well.

"Ok, let me take a guess then." She began.

Tania pulled both her feet back down on the floor when her younger twin gestured her a hand about it.

"Oh, boy... let's hear it!" She said.

"I'm guessing they're thinking of why we were talking like that to each other." Tanya said with a light-hearted shrug.

Tania stifled a laugh.

"You think??" She asked.

Tanya gave a flustered look back.

"Alright then, how about you? What were you thinking when they were giving subtle expressions while working?" She asked after her older twin gave a sly yet mocking smirk in response.

"Did you forget what you just called me out on?" Tania said.

"I never called you out on anything and besides what did I call you out on that you're sure is what I called you out on?" Tanya asked, giving it a subtle confusing details to bug her older twin's mind.

Tania laughed.

"You idiot!" She said between laughs.

Tanya gave a confused look as she watched her older twin laugh at her.

"Did you really forget?" Tania asked when she finally got her composure back after her fit of laughing.

"Forgot what??" Tanya asked.

Tania gave another fit of laughter again.

"You called me an irrational masochist earlier ago remember?" She said while stifling her laugh.

Tanya finally understood and mentally slapped her face with her own hand when she did so.

"I actually saw what you did there when you said it." Tania said after giggling.

Tanya's eyes widened with a flustered state of mind.

"It was on accident, Tani." She shortly explained.

"Yeah, right." Tania said after rolling her eyes.

"It was." Tanya protested.

Tania smiled while raising hands for defeat and cry for mercy.

"Yep, accidents happen when your 'tongue' can slip off, baby bro." She commented.

Tanya clicked her tongue while crossing her arms together.

"Rude." She said.

"Well, what do you want? A silly joke?" Tania frowned.

"Your jokes aren't even funny, Tani." Tanya said while also frowning in response to the expression she was getting from her older twin.

Tania hummed.

"So my jokes aren't funny are they?" She asked when she stood up from her seat to walk over to her younger twin's desk.

Tanya gave her a stern look back as she stood up and watched Tania make her way over to her desk the whole time.

"No, they aren't at all." Tanya said while squinting her eyes for a second when Tania was now facing her.

Tania continued to hum before slamming her hands down on Tanya's desk.

"Is it really not that funny at all?" She asked when her brows furrowed down. Giving Tanya a furious look, it fueled her Tanya to growl slightly at her.

"So what if it's not funny? It really isn't at all." Tanya said while leaning a few inches up close.

Tania clicked her tongue and yanked herself away, hands on her hips, face leaned up to the ceiling.

Tanya continued to give a furious look at her before straightening herself up as she watched Tania place a hand on her chin, deep inside her thoughts.

"So that's how it's going to be, huh?" Tania asked while facing away from her younger twin.

Tanya raised a brow.

"It seems it will most likely be like that." Tania continued before standing back in front of Tanya's desk to face her, eye to eye.

Tanya scoffed up a grin before saying, "it seems it will really be like this now."

They both stared at each other anticipation before they threw hands down in front of them.

Rock beats scissor if you can't tell.

"Darn." Tanya said with a quick tone of defeat.

"Well, it looks like I'm the master of dad jokes even though we're not really married on our last life before." Tania said after a quick sigh as she continued to stand, facing Tanya.

"Hey, Tanya." She began.

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