Chapter Twenty-Four

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September 30, 2017
6:33 AM

I sat in the far back of the church, waiting for Rick to begin talking. My mind drifting elsewhere for the time being. A body sat next to me, I paid no attention to said person until put their hand on my thigh, squeezing it. My head spun, looking at the person who sat next to me. It was Carl. My eyes narrowed at him, my face turning pink, "What are you doing?" My voice was low, "Just a friendly gesture." He sent a toothy-grin my way. I shook my head, slowly. Taking his hand off my thigh, "Not the time, Grimes."

He smirked at me, nodding his head, "It never is, huh Meadow?" My face fell, my expression saddened as I looked at him, "If this is about yesterday, I'm sorry, you know that." "Mhm." He averted his attention to the front of the church. "Give me time," I whispered, "Just a tiny bit of time." He ignored me. Rick began talking, I changed my gaze to the front of the room also, my heart hurting.

"And we can work with the Hilltop. These Saviors, they almost killed Sasha, Daryl, and Abraham on the road." I looked down at Carl's hand, slowly lacing mine with his. I wrapped my fingers down, waiting for him to do the same, he did, "Now sooner or later, they would've found us, just like those Wolves did, just like Jesus did. They woulda killed someone or some of us and then they would try to own us. And we would try to stop them." My heart skipped a beat as he drew tiny shapes on my hand with his own, his touch alone could make me melt. 

Right now wasn't the time for a relationship, especially with these Saviors running loose, claiming shit. I wanted Carl to respect that but at the same time, I couldn't help myself. It was like I was gonna lose him and I didn't want that to happen. 

"We are going to fight the Saviors." Rick finished his speech, "Anyone who objects, here's your chance to say your piece." I felt myself standing up, I detached myself from Carl, worrying about the real word now, "I know what I said before about not wanting to kill anymore people," I paused myself, closing my eyes, "Screw these type of people though, I'm not objecting and neither should you guys, if these people get to us before we get to them, we will be in the deepest shit ever, as Abraham would say," People chuckled, "Let's fight."

That night I packed my stuff, getting ready for a big war tomorrow. Cleaning my guns, packing ammo, packing food, anything else I thought I would need. There was a tiny knock on my window, I went over to my bedroom door, shutting and locking it. My window slid opened and Carl slid through it, "What's up?" I asked, packing my knives. 

"I don't think you should go, to the compound tomorrow," I looked at him, "That's not your decision to be making." "Meadow please." His voice cracked, "No, Carl. End of discussion." His fists clenched up.

"You're weak and pathetic!" He shouted at me. My hands shook as they were clenched. A tear dancing down my red hot face.

"You make me weak! That's why I can't be with you!" My lip quivered as I shouted, as loudly as I possibly could. I clenched my teeth together, pushing him away, "I hate you! I hate the way you make me feel!" I kept pushing him, beating his chest, "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" He held my hands, the warm tears fell down my cheek as I looked at him, "I hate you," I whispered. He was crying also, shaking his head, "No you don't,"  His voice cracked, his eye was bloodshot. 

"No, I don't." I whispered. "Please, don't go." I nodded my head, "Fine."

"You don't want to be with me because I make you weak?" He asked, I blinked, another tear fell down my cheek, "If I let my guard up, something bad always happens, I want to." "Then why don't you?" He sniffled, "I don't know." I swallowed, my throat was dry, "I just don't know."

"You do know," Carl whispered, "Are you scared of me? Scared of the thought of us." I shook my head, "Then what is it, Meadow?"

"I'm scared of me."

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