Part 3 Baby

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            I eased down in front of the large fire place once we had returned to the house. Now that I wasn't being rushed through the door I had a moment to appreciate the rustic style livingroom. We had been moving to quickly before for me to notice the wall of windows that faced out toward a large pond or lake. I'd never been to either so I couldn't be sure which but I sat admiring it's beauty all the same. 

The guys trickled in behind me. Sab and Cameron disappeared into the kitchen. Tao flopped down on one of the couches facing the windows as well and Theo sat down on the other.

"You don't have to sit on the floor baby. There's a chair right here." Aydan said pointing out a dark cherry wood rocking chair that was next to the fire place.

"Oh, I was just enjoying the heat on my back." I said trying to will my cheeks not to redden under his assessing gaze.

"Does your back still hurt?" Aydan asked his eye brows pulling together with concern.

"A little but I think I'm just sore from sleeping so long." My voice trailed off as a wave of guilt began to splash over me.

"Your shoulder?" Theo asked offering a small distraction.

I bit my lip and nodded.

"Hmm." Aydan sighed.

He sat down on the couch next to Theo and a crooked a finger at me. My eyes widened in surprise at the odd way he was summoning me but curiosity got the best of me and I shuffled over to him. He twirled his finger for me to turn and face away. I followed his silent order and caught Tao's eyes. He looked curious as he watched Aydan but when his eyes met mine he gave me a wary smile. I smiled back but mine probably looked just as wary. I was trying to figure out what was wrong. Tao looked upset or nervous about something.

I didn't get very long to consider what might be bothering Tao because Aydan's hands got to work on my shoulders. His grasp started out soft and gentle. He slowly began to increase the pressure. The tension and tightness in my shoulders started to ease and I let out a relieved sigh. Tao's wary grin cracked into a smirk as he watched my face. I shut my eyes and ignored the heat creeping into my cheeks. I was enjoying this too much to let Tao make me feel embarrassed.

"So what's the plan today?" Tao asked.

"Staying low." Aydan answered without removing any focus away from my aching shoulders.

"Theo's going to set up the meeting the academy has been after, Cameron's going to do his thing and see if they've begun tracking any of us, I have to get in contact with the team that's taking over, and you have to fix the mess you made in the garage." Aydan said.

"What about Sab?" Tao asked.

"Baby sitting." Sab answered. He sounded like he had come back into the living room but I didn't open my eyes to see where.

"Dude you can't call it babysitting, she's not a baby." Cam defended after coughing to suppress his laughter.

"She's Aydan's baby." I could picture Sab shrugging nonchalantly with his words.

Aydan chuckled quietly behind me but didn't bother to speak either way on the matter.

"He uses it as a nickname. It's not like... when you say it like that it sounds weird." Cam laughed.

"He knows she's not a baby." Theo sounded like he was rolling his eyes.

"Not most days anyway." Tao teased.

I huffed at that and Aydan laughed again.

"Either way she's not Aydan's baby, she's our baby." Cam said. There was a soft plop as if he were dropping down on the couch.

"No." Aydan spoke finally. "She's our girl but she's my baby."

Sab let out a booming "Ha" followed by a quieter laugh.

"What?" Cam whined.

"How does that work?" Tao asked.

"His baby. My princessa." Sab answered.

"So we're coining nicknames now?" Cam asked.

"What if I wanted baby?" Tao asked mischievously.

"Then you shouldn't have been so slow." Theo said. "Isn't that right sweetheart?"

I nodded. Since I knew they were all playing around I didn't feel so bad picking sides.

"Hey no fair. You can't ask her questions like that when Aydan's touching her. She's probably not even listening." Tao said.

"Tor are you listening?" Cam asked.

"Mmhm." I nodded again.

"Do you like when Aydan calls you baby?" Cam asked.

I nodded again.

"She's going to agree to everything just like she did last time." Tao sighed.

"Watch... Dulzura do you like when Cameron calls you crazy?" Tao asked.

I nodded. I didn't necessarily like it but Cam's nick name for me was crazy girl and I did really like having a nickname from him.

"Do you like spinach?" Tao asked.

I nodded again. Spinach was fine especially if it was raw and in a salad or on a sandwich.

"Do you like bats?" He asked.

I nodded again. They looked like tiny puppies with wings. What was not to like?

"See..." Tao said pointedly.

"Do you want me to stop?" Aydan asked leaning down close to my ear.

My eyes popped open and I shook my head no enthusiastically.

"Please don't." I said. 

Aydan laughed quietly and continued to massage my neck and shoulders.

"Wait you are really listening?' Tao asked.

I glanced over at him and nodded again.

"You like spinach and bats?" He asked.

"It's high in iron and vitamins and bats are adorable." I muttered with a pleasant sigh. Aydan's hands felt like magic. 

Tao shook his head with his lips slightly parted but didn't say anything else.

"Alright. Time to get to work." Aydan dismissed them. There was some grumbling and shuffling as the others left but I'd already closed my eyes again. Aydan's fingers were focusing on the very top of my spin and it was probably my favorite spot so far.

"I have to go make some phone calls baby." Aydan said after another minute of bliss.

My head dropped back against Aydan's knee and I pouted up at him with my eyes closed.

He laughed softly. His hands stilled and he leaned forward to drop a lingering kiss against my forehead.

"If you behave I'm sure Sab won't mind rubbing your shoulders too." Aydan said.

"What's my job today?" I asked opening my eyes to peer up at him.

"Make me a packing list, of what you need from your house." Aydan said honestly.

"Like clothes?" I asked.

"Clothes, books, items, keepsakes. Anything you can think of that you might want or need." Aydan nodded.

"How are you going to get it?" I asked.

Aydan smiled lightly. He placed another kiss against my forehead.

"Just make me the list." He said.

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