Part 14 Criminals

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I should have been able to guess from the parking lot where we were yet the realization that we were at a bar was still surprising to me as was the amount of people that were actually inside.

We walked in all together. Tao showed my ID to the man at the podium and then we split off just like Aydan had directed.

I nearly tripped over my own feet as I tried to look around at everything that was going on. There was music and dancing, two groups of people were playing darts on the other side of the room, a large crowd near the bar looked to be mingling as well as drinking, and a couple of scattered people sat over in a booth and table area most of which looked just as contented as the rest of the room. We were headed toward the tables.

A warm strong hand laced fingers with my own and I nearly tripped again when I looked up and found it was Theo. He gave me a reassuring smile and tilted his head toward the crowd around the bar. It wasn't the same direction Aydan was going. I glanced between the two uncertain of which way I was supposed to go. I didn't want to offend Aydan by going with Theo and I didn't want to offend Theo by declining.

Sensing my distress Theo stepped in front of me effectively blocking off the rest of the room, including Aydan.

"Sweetheart I'm just asking what you want to drink." He said. "If you want to come that's fine. Either way no one is going to be upset with you."

Somehow, I managed to hear Theo despite the loud buzz of chatter and music.

"Uhm..." I glanced over toward the bar. There was no menu or indication of any of their options.

"I don't know... A water maybe?" I said. Water was safe and safe meant not having to drink beer on accident again.

Theo's eyes flickered over my face curiously. He shook his head and then kissed the back of my hand before passing me over to Aydan.

Aydan's hand replaced Theo's and in no time we reached a table. Two slightly older men already were already seated but both stood up to great us.

"Aydan." The larger of the two greeted with a nod and a quick shake of hands.

"Landon." Aydan nodded back before releasing him and turning to me.

"Tori this is Landon Porter and Andres Howell." Aydan said and turned back to them. "This is Victoria Sherwood."

"I see." Andres said his eyes flickered down, assessing me from top to bottom with a familiar level of dissaproval. I turned my focus to the other man in hopes of avoiding Andres eyes before I started to flush with embarrassment.

"It's nice to meet you Victoria." Landon said.

Aydan pulled out one of the chairs and motioned for me to sit before taking his own. The others followed suit and returned to their seats as well.

"Has Chloe informed you of the situation?" Aydan asked.

I perked up at the mention of the small doctor. My eyes scanned the faces of the other two men again trying to determine exactly how old they were and most importantly if they were old enough to be the team she had been with. Despite my efforts I couldn't really tell. I knew they were older than my guys but by how much exactly was impossible to pinpoint in the dimly lit room.

"Nothing beyond the scope of confidentiality." Landon answered. It wasn't confirmation or denial but he cearly understood that Chloe's role with my team was beyond that of a traditional mentor.

"Which means we need more." Andres added. His bluntness made me blink in surprise. My eyes shot over to Aydan suddenly concerned that he might be annoyed with this mans forwardness.

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