Part 8 Beast.

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            I thought about telling him no. Even though I knew the guys were just trying to help it didn't change the fact that I was still upset over not being allowed to make any decisions.

Theo didn't wait for an answer though. He started walking as soon as I had the shoes and jacket in my hands. I shoved my feet into the boots and pulled on the jacket as my legs followed.

We walked along a dirt path in complete silence. Only the sound of the wind and the water kept it from being to quiet.

After just a couple of minutes another building came into view. This one was slightly newer looking than the last barn and I perked up, curious about what could be in side.

Theo paused after opening the door and took a step back to let me through first. I stepped in and had to blink a couple of times to help my eyes adjust to the dim lighting.

Once I could see properly I blinked again. Hard. Just in case my eyes were somehow deceiving me. 

This barn had actually horses in it. Two horses to be exact.

The closer cream colored horse let out a snort and a whinny that made me just about fly out of my skin in surprise.

Theo laughed and caught me around the waist before I could escape the giant beast.

"I know it's your turn." Theo said and scratched the horse on it's very large forehead.

I watched with wide eyes and waited for Theo to lose his fingers. Instead the horse nudged it's nose into Theo's hand. The movement reminded me of a puppy that was eager for more pets. Some of my fear melted away to confusion and I continued to watch the exchange.

"This jittery giant is Luke. He's desperate for attention and a nice long ride. The calm one is Leia. She's about as sweet as they come but a lazy as all hell if you let her have to many treats." Theo spoke softly and it took me a moment to realize he was talking to me and not to the animal.

Luke and Leia. I pressed my lips together and glanced between the two. They had similar markings and coloring's.

"Did you let Cam name them?" I asked suspiciously.

Theo's mouth twitched and he nodded. 

With Theo's attention on me instead of Luke. Luke snorted and shook his head. He stretched his nose out as far as he could toward Theo making me tense and lean back as far as I could away.

Theo laughed again. His arm around my waist tightened and then he lifted me and pulled me closer toward the horse.

"Theo!" I squeaked on a gasp.

Before my feet had even touched the floor again the horses nose bumped against the side of my head and neck. I froze with my hands fisted in Theo's shirt as the horse the nuzzled and sniffed me. The horse huffed again and bumped my shoulder with his head.

"He's going to start nibbling on your ears if you keep ignoring him, sweetheart." Theo warned.

I gasped, covered my ears, and managed to partially turn in Theo's arms. The new angle allowed Luke to sniff and nuzzle the front of my neck. I wasn't prepared how badly his whiskers tickled.

 One minute I was terrified I'd be loosing an ear and the next I was giggling like a child and trying to push his nose away. Luke mistook my pushing for pets and greedily nuzzled my hand in appreciation.

I let out another nervous giggle but I couldn't bring myself to pull my hands away.

"He loves scratches. Forehead, behind his ears, along his neck. Pretty much everywhere but those are his favorite." Theo encouraged.

I gulped and decided since I was already this involved I may as well give it a try. I scratched just slightly under his chin. He immediately turned his head up and stretched his neck for more which I had to oblige now. The more I scratched the further he leaned into my touch and stretched.

I laughed again. This time most of my fear had vanished and I was stuck in awe of what I was quickly realizing was a giant puppy.

I heard Theo murmur something and glanced over to find that he was no longer standing behind me. He had moved to another stall and was petting the other horse, Leia. She leaned into his touch eagerly but not as pushy as Luke had. Theo rewarded her with a couple strokes down her nose and a kiss. She nuzzled his face back softly. Theo scrunched his nose and laughed softly like it tickled him just as bad as it had me. I bit my lip. The adorable exchange was making my insides all soft and warm.

A sudden head butt to the chest reminded me that I had stopped petting Luke and he was not a fan of my shift in attention. I turned back to Luke with another laugh and began scratching and rubbing him again. I opted to give the spot behind his ears a try. Apparently it was a good spot and I was reward with what I could only imagine to be horse kisses along my cheek and forehead.

"Thanks." I muttered barely holding in another round of giggles. I decided to return the gesture with kick peck on his nose.

"Please tell me you got that."

My head whipped around to find Tao and Sab had come into the room. Sab had his phone out and pointed toward Luke and I as he nodded.

"Hey!" I complained halfheartedly.

"It's for Cameron." Sab shrugged.

"He was super butt hurt that Theo was taking you out here without him. But I'm sure a picture of you kissing his horse will make it better." Tao shrugged.

"I guess." I shrugged and patted at Luke to let him know I was still paying attention to him too.

"We thought for sure you'd be afraid of the damn things." Tao laughed.

"Pshh." I laughed and glanced over at Theo. He smirked.

"Nah she's a natural." Theo said with a wink. "Are you heading out?"

"Yeah, I uh broke a couple parts so..." Tao shrugged and toed a piece of hey that was near his feet. 

"Take a burner and make sure to check in." Theo said.

Tao and Sab both nodded.

"Is Cam still in with Chloe?" Theo asked.

Tao's eyes drifted down again and he gave another nod.

Theo nodded as well and let a sigh.

"I'm gonna grab some tack." Theo said and disappeared into one of the rooms at the other end of the barn.

"Don't worry dulzura, I'll show you some real horse power later." Tao said and dropped a kiss on my forehead before heading back out.

Sab glanced at the door Tao had disappeared through and then on Theo had disappeared through. He grabbed the waist band of my leggings and tugged me against him. His mouth closed over mine. I gasped and his tongue swooped into my mouth completely taking over my senses. I melted into the kiss. All of my previous anger and frustration was forgotten. All coherent thoughts were forgotten.

Just as quickly as the kiss had consumed me it stopped.

"Wear a damn helmet." Sab grumbled against my lips and then he disappeared too.

I was still slightly out of breath and in a daze when Theo came back out of the room. He was carrying an arm load of items. Finally Sab's words about a helmet trickled through my mind. My eyes widened as I realized I was going to learn to ride a horse. 

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