Part 25 Snow

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            I'd seen snow a few times in my life. Usually it was a light dusting that melted away before anyone would have the chance to enjoy it. This morning was different though. This morning I'd woken up to a deep penetrating silence and the world beyond the window appeared to be completely consumed by the fluffy white crystals.

It was beautiful and peaceful. It was everything I'd ever imagined of a perfect snow day in the woods. No animals stirred. No wind blew. No water splashing in the distance. Just complete and utter silence as tiny white specks floated down from the heavens to join their friends.

There had to be at least three feet of snow out there. My body practically hummed with excitement as I thought of all the different things I could try with the snow. I made a mental list: Snow men, snow angles, snow cones, snow forts, snowball fights. Perhaps it was little childish of me but after the last few days of phone calls, pacing, training, and just over all stress we could all use a distraction, especially one that allowed us to indulge our inner children.

After getting dressed in my warmest pair of leggings and two long sleeve shirts I bounced down the stairs and practically jogged to the kitchen. Cameron was at the stove making some kind of delicious breakfast that involved bacon and Sab was leaning against the counter with his arms folded and his scowl in place.

They both looked over at me as soon as I entered. Sab raised a curious eye brow and Cam's lips tilted up with amusement.

"Did you see the snow?!" I asked excitedly.

"We saw." Cam's mouth cracked into a full blow smile.

"You like snow?" Sab asked.

"It's so pretty." I bouncing on my toes and nodding toward the frosty window to emphasize my point.

"It's freezing." Sab pointed out.

"You don't like snow?" I asked incredulous and a little sad.

Sab shrugged.

"You develop a bit of a love hate relationship when you grow up with it." Cam laughed flipping the bacon.

I shook my head. I could never imagine hating something so beautiful, peaceful, and fun. I told them as much which brought a laugh from both men.

"You've never had to shovel six feet from the drive way." Cam said.

"Or the roof" Sab agreed.

" the middle of the night or first thing in the morning... whether or not you're sick..." Cam continued.

"Usually both." Sab said.

"You guys are sucking the fun out of this." I sighed. My shoulders drooped and I crossed my arms.

"Stop." Sab said.

"Stop what?" I asked.

"You're pouting at us." Cam laughed switching off the stove and turning to give me his full attention as he crossed his arms too.

"I am not. I'm just bummed you guys don't like the snow." I said. "Now who am I going to get to play with me?"

Sab raised another eyebrow this time followed by a dark smirk that made my stomach clinch.

"Oh we'll play with you..." Cam said stalking forward. I recognized the predatorial pursuit for exactly what it was and stumbled back with a nervous giggle.

"Cam..." I warned but he continued his pursuit.

"Cam!" I squeaked stumbling again. "I meant in the snow!"

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