Poem 44: Question B)

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Question B)

Why must I be so v u l n e r a b l e ?

A simple question that my mind cannot put to paper let alone find the answer to...

I don't w a n t to love you.

So can you please f u c k o f f with your done-up hair and your way of thinking.

You always said you hated having your hair up because you though you looked ugly,

Today in class, a messy bun of golden locks sat atop your diamond mind...

I don't know w h y it bothered me.

Today in class, you and I were called down because we got into the same program for Arts,

My heart still races at an unhealthy pace when our n a m e s are said together...

I couldn't tell you w h y.

My chest still s t r a i n s when I see the look in your eye when your genuinely sad...

I don't have an a n s w e r for that either.

My emotional wall still forms incredibly fast when I see you k i s s him...

Once again, for n o reason.

I don't love you.
I love the old you.
Who you w e r e...

I don't love myself.
But I loved who you made me.
Who I w a s...

Reading all this poetry about the graveyard for love is reminding me that our love now lives there too.

I write about everlasting love, encased in a m e m o r y,

But what if I w a n t it back.

Do I want back our love, or you, or me?

A simple question that my mind cannot put to paper let alone find the answer to...

So can you please f u c k o f f with your new boyfriend and your way of making me miss y o u.


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